
A modern URL shortener built with React, Material UI and Firebase.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A modern URL shortener built with React, Material UI and Firebase.

Authentication of this project has been taken from https://github.com/chaseoc/firebase-login-page

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.


  1. Self Hosted using Firebase (Free plan)
  2. Admin Panel for link management
  3. Domain Customizable to anything you wish
  4. Modern, Material UI (we all love this!)
  5. Actively under development


You'll need to make the following set up:

  1. A Firebase project with Hosting (Free plan will work)

  2. Add a Custom domain to your Firebase Hosting (you know, the shorter, the better)

  3. Enable Email/Password authentication in your Firebase Authentication settings and set up your users.

  4. Enable Firestore in the Firebase project.

Setup Guide Video

I went ahead and put all the installation steps into a video! You can watch the FireShort Setup Guide here -


How to Use

  1. Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/xprilion/fireshort.git
  1. Change working directory to project:
cd fireshort
  1. Edit src/firebase/firebase.js and put your Firebase Project Config here:
const firebaseConfig = {
  //Your config values
  1. Edit firebase.json and change hosting.site key:
"hosting": {
    "site":"yoursitename", <-- This is your firebase hosting site name
    "public": "build",
  1. Edit src/config.js and update global.config.mainsite:
module.exports = global.config = {
    mainsite: "https://xprilion.com" <-- your main site here
    // other global config variables you wish
  1. Local test run
npm start
  1. Production build
npm run-script build
  1. Deploy to Firebase
firebase --project **your_project_id** deploy


The following configurations are available:

Parameter Type Description
globa.config.mainsite URL The site to which a blank suffix redirects. For ex: short.site -> long.site

Suggested Rules for Firebase Database

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /{document=**} {
      allow read : if true;
      allow write : if request.auth.uid != null;


Are you using FireShort for your URL shortener? Let me know! Feel free to put a PR with your details added to the table!

Website Website short description Person
xpri.dev URL Shortener for xprilion.com @xprilion