Objective-C validation IJ plugin

Plugin for validation Objective-C code. screenshot


  1. Checkout repository
  2. ./gradlew buildPlugin
  3. Open IJ Settings > Plugin > Gear icon > Install Plugin from Disk...
  4. Select zip archive with plugin at build/distributions/objc-validator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.zip


Can be used in 5 ways

  1. From context menu of project by selecting a file
  2. From editor context menu without any selection
  3. From editor context menu when particular source code is selected
  4. From Tools menu
  5. With clipboard assigning hotkey to Tools menu Validate ObjC header

How it works

The plugin makes sample Xcode project and adds header provided by user runs xcodebuild.


If some dependencies needs to be provided you can add them to resources/app/dependencies.h. The header will be copied to the sample Xcode project and used with your head.