Progress for 2020

A repo to track my progress over the years.

I'm following a hybrid version of teachyourselfcs, p1xt guides and OSSU and from progress files of my previous years :)

Challenge - 2020

Goals (Overall, in order of priority)

  • Read 8 books (0 / 8)
  • Finish 3 Courses at least (0 / 3)
  • Drop to 50 to 55kgs weight by the end of 2nd Quarter
  • Learn to cook a new (healthy preferred) dish every month
  • Go for jogging / exercise daily
  • Become a Senior UI Engineer
    • Improve communication skills and influence people
      • Write 15 articles on various topics (0 / 15)
      • Give 6 talks on various topics of interest
      • One QuickByte session every month
    • Frontend Skills
      • Deep dive into CSS (Css grid, css flexbox, rendering, CSS Houdini)
      • Learn about CSS methodologies & naming schemes (BEM, SUIT, Atomic Design, etc) ()
      • General productivity -> CSS Linting, Formating, PostCSS, Autoprefixer / Modernizr / Stylelint etc
      • Accesibility & Performance
      • Frameworks / Libraries:
        • React Native
        • VueJS, Vuepress, mobx etc
        • ReactiveX
        • D3.js
    • Learn Multiple languages
      • Frontend specific - Elm, ClojureScript
      • Learn Golang, Kotlin
      • Improve python, racket and lua proefficieny (in the given order)
    • Technologies to master:
      • REST APIs (KoaJS, Next.js, FeathersJS)
      • GraphQL (Apollo, Relay, Falcor)
      • SQL & Databases (specifically MongoDB, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch)
      • Linux (specifically Bash, Linux sys admin etc)
      • Mobile development (React Native & Android development)
      • Web Assembly
    • Projects
      • Build clones of Facebook & Twitter UI, preferably with their APIs
      • Build 2 products entirely from scratch (Frontend + Backend)

Books for 2019

See here


Course dump

A list of things I really want to go through, but you can only do so many at a given time! I think this is the place I'll put anything else that comes up to my interest. Later on as I finish tasks, I will add tasks to the course. :)