
Primary LanguagePython

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Instructions for testing and development

  • Make sure you have all the dependencies. The major ones are: python 2.6+ (possibly 2.7+, I can't remember), Django 1.3+, pyyaml, and GitPython (soon). Also python-markdown, with this extension (IMPORTANT) - download the mdx_markdown.py file, rename it to mathjax.py, and place it in the extensions directory for your markdown installation
  • Edit the wikinotes_dir variable in settings.py to reflect the absolute path of the directory this is stored in.
  • chmod +x bootstrap
  • ./bootstrap (you should create the superuser at this point if you haven't already done so)
  • python manage.py runserver
  • Go to localhost:8000. Or, if you run it on (or any other port; python manage.py runserver, others can view it on your IP address.

Things that work or sort of work

  • Creating and editing pages (the icons for creating new pages are just filler) - needs to be improved (better error handling and a nicer input format)
  • Browsing all courses (click the Courses menu item), some things on that page (and some linked pages) are just filler though
  • User authentication (you can log in using the superuser)

Things that don't really work yet

  • Watching a course
  • Git integration
  • Professor field
  • Link field
  • Edit message
  • About, news, help, contributing and other similar static sections
  • Search
  • Registration
  • Gravatar lol
  • Random pages/courses
  • Recent changes
  • History, at all


  • A lot of views haven't been made yet. If a link appears broken, that's why
  • I'm working on making skeleton views for most of the links, though, so it's easier for others to work on things
  • The header needs to be changed a bit. It's too much like the twitter bootstrap demo page.

Notes to self (i.e. me, not you)

  • bugs in twitter bootstrap: margins for modals, and that font-weight or line-height or something that i can't find anymore
  • make the fullscreen option for section-body work (the 100% - n pixels thing, use divs within a div for that)
  • when adding new sections (beyond the initial 10), remember to change the ids, names and ns
  • either the "add another section" button or the preview+save buttons are not centered
  • delete icon (top right corner) for sections (like the modal dialogue close icons)
  • adding a section should update the number in the num_sections dropdown
  • capitalisation of term. it's actually really important
  • escaping \ in mathjax (because of markdown etc)
  • tabindex
  • how to handle:
    • multiple "quizzes" (as a past exam type) (or multiple versions of exams)
    • the whole silly department/subject fiasco
    • course numbers with letters etc (solution: make it a CharField, max_length=5, and change the regex in urls.py)
    • form data, needed for the create and edit modes - make it customisable on a PageType level
    • subclassing the user model?
  • get rid of inline CSS