
A simple shell in C language

Primary LanguageC

Simple SHELL

This is a simple shell project written in C that provides basic shell functionalities. It can handle the following built-in commands: exit, env, setenv, unsetenv, cd, and alias. Additionally, it supports the following separators and operators: command separator ;, logical AND &&, and logical OR ||.


To compile the project use this command:

gcc -o simple_shell shell.c

To run the simple shell, execute the compiled binary:


The shell will display a prompt where you can enter commands.

Command-Line Arguments

You can also provide a file containing commands as an argument to the simple shell. This will execute the commands from the file. The usage is as follows:

./simple_shell [filename]

Built-in Functionalities


To exit the simple shell, use the exit command:


Environment Manipulation

The simple shell supports the following environment manipulation commands:

  • env: Display the current environment variables.
  • setenv [variable] [value]: Set the value of an environment variable.
  • unsetenv [variable]: Unset an environment variable.

Change Directory

To change the current working directory, use the cd command:

cd [directory]

Replace [directory] with the path to the directory you want to change to.


The alias command allows you to define aliases for other commands. The usage is as follows:

alias [alias_name]=[command]

Replace [alias_name] with the name you want to assign to the alias, and [command] with the command you want to associate with the alias.

Command Separators and Operators

The shell supports the following separators and operators to control command execution:

  • Command separator ;: Use ; to separate multiple commands on a single line. They will be executed sequentially.
  • Logical AND &&: Use && to execute the next command only if the previous command succeeds (returns exit status 0).
  • Logical OR ||: Use || to execute the next command only if the previous command fails (returns a non-zero exit status).