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# Monitor New Subdomain
# @omarelfarsaoui
# version 1.0
- python3
- MongoDB how to install mongodb
- vps (aws free account is enough) Create aws account
- Slack workspace (Free) Create Slack Webhook URL (optional)
- Telegram bot Create Telegram bot (optional)
MNS needs some dependencies, to install them on your
$ git clone https://github.com/elfarsaouiomar/monitor-new-subdomain.git
$ cd monitor-new-subdomain/
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
add domain to monitor. E.g: domain.com
python3 check-new-subdomain.py -a domain.com
list all domain in database
python3 check-new-subdomain.py -l
get all subdomain for specific domain
python3 check-new-subdomain.py -L domain.com
search fo new subdomain for all domains
python3 check-new-subdomain.py -m
export all subdomains form the database to txt file
python3 check-new-subdomain.py -e
import list of domains via file
each domain in line
python3 check-new-subdomain.py -i domains.txt
delete domain
python3 check-new-subdomain.py -d
send notification via slack
python3 check-new-subdomain.py -s
send notification via telegram
python3 check-new-subdomain.py -t
docker-compose build
run containers
docker-compose up -d
you can easly eun command now inside containers
docker-compose run mns -a domain.com
Check out this video on youtube how to use MNS with docker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w47sCIqjAgQ
list all domains
monitor new subdomain
Import domains via file
mongoDB result
notification telegram
inspired from https://github.com/yassineaboukir/sublert
add output fileadd Docker- Add snyk
- add more subdomain resources
- Certspotter
- Virustotal
Sublist3r- Facebook **
- Spyse (CertDB) *
- Bufferover
- Threatcrowd
- Virustotal with apikey **
- AnubisDB
- Urlscan.io
- SecurityTrails **