App generator

Makes building apps faster and more fun!


  • application.html in slim
  • readme in markdown format with outline
  • test environment setup (gems and test_helper)
  • default Gemfile with basic gems
  • basic site protection using rack-attack gem
  • set time format default to be human friendly
  • best practice .gitignore
  • generate .envrc for spring
  • setup turbolinks
  • default time zone to 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'
  • setup cache_store to use mem_cache_store
  • uncomment header 'X-Accel-Redirect' to be used by nginx
  • example commented code on how to setup smtp config
  • setup letter_opener gem in development
  • log level to :error in production (reduce the quantity of logs)
  • rename application.css to use SCSS
  • stop Rails from generating empty asset and helper files
  • secrets.yml defaults and example file
  • update gems to latest versions
  • basic Profile
  • create database
  • database.yml example file
  • set robots.txt with link to sitemap
  • remove public index.html
  • git setup and initial commit
  • better 404.html default


Make sure you have Ruby 2.3+ (We recommend you install ruby using rbenv or RVM) and Rails 5.0 installed

ruby -v
rails -v
gem install rails


Check that you have postgres installed by running brew info postgres. You should see /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/X.X.X in the first lines, if you see Not installed, install by running brew install postgres and following the instructions detailed in the caveats.


###Automatic (recommended)

echo '-m --skip-bundle' > ~/.railsrc

now you will use the generator by default

rails new your_app_name

but you can skip it using --no-rc

rails new your_app_name --no-rc


rails new your_app_name -m --skip-bundle

Skip the template

If you create a ~/.railsrc file and wish to ignore it when creating a new app:

rails new your_app_name --no-rc