
Flutter tags let you create clickable tags or create new ones using textField, adapting perfectly to the width of the screen.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


pub package Donate

Create beautiful tags quickly and easily.

Since version 0.4.0 the structure of the code has changed radically. SelectableTags and InputTags have been replaced with the Tags () widget. Now it is possible to personalize every single tag, with the possibility of adding icons, images and a removal button. If you still prefer the previous version, go to 0.3.2


Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_tags: "^0.4.3"


Simple usage

import 'package:flutter_tags/tag.dart';
List __items;
double _fontSize = 14;

void initState(){
    // if you store data on a local database (sqflite), then you could do something like this
            _items = items;

Widget _tags(){
    return Tags(
      textField: TagsTextFiled(  
        textStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: _fontSize),        
        onSubmitted: (String str) {
          // Add item to the data source.
          setState(() {
              // required
      itemCount: _items.length, // required
      itemBuilder: (int index){          
            final item = _items[index];
            return ItemTags(
                  // Each ItemTags must contain a Key. Keys allow Flutter to
                  // uniquely identify widgets.
                  key: Key(index.toString()),
                  index: index, // required
                  title: item.title,
                  active: item.active,
                  customData: item.customData,
                  textStyle: TextStyle( fontSize: _fontSize, ),
                  combine: ItemTagsCombine.withTextBefore,
                  image: ItemTagsImage(
                    image: AssetImage("img.jpg") OR NetworkImage("https://...image.png")
                  ) OR null,
                  icon: ItemTagsIcon(
                    icon: Icons.add,
                  ) OR null,
                  removeButton: ItemTagsRemoveButton( ) OR null, 
                  onRemoved: (){
                    // Remove the item from the data source.
                    setState(() {
                        // required
                  onPressed: (item) => print(item),
                  onLongPressed: (item) => print(item),

Wrapped widget example

You are free to wrap ItemTags () inside another widget

      itemCount: items.length, 
      itemBuilder: (int index){ 
          return Tooltip(
          message: item.title,

Tags() parameters

  • columns - possibility to set number of columns when necessary. default not set
  • itemCount - tag number to display ( required )
  • symmetry - set width equal to all tags ( default false)
  • horizontalScroll - ability to view and scroll tags horizontally (default false)
  • heightHorizontalScroll - height to set to display tags correctly
  • spacing - horizontal space between the tags
  • runSpacing - vertical space between the tags
  • alignment - horizontal WrapAlignment ( default WrapAlignment.center)
  • runAlignment - vertical WrapAlignment ( default WrapAlignment.center)
  • direction - Axis.horizontal
  • verticalDirection - VerticalDirection.down
  • textDirection - textDirection
  • itemBuilder - tag generator
  • textField - add textField => TagsTextFiled()

ItemTags() parameters

  • index - required
  • title - required
  • textScaleFactor - custom textScaleFactor
  • active - bool value (default true)
  • pressEnabled - active onPress tag ( default true)
  • customData - Possibility to add any custom value in customData field, you can retrieve this later. A good example: store an id from Firestore document.
  • textStyle - textStyle()
  • alignment - MainAxisAlignment ( default MainAxisAlignment.center)
  • combine - * ability to combine text, icons, images in different ways ( default ItemTagsCombine.imageOrIconOrText)*
  • icon - ItemTagsIcon()
  • image - ItemTagsImage()
  • removeButton - ItemTagsRemoveButton()
  • borderRadius - BorderRadius
  • border - custom border-side
  • padding - default EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 7, vertical: 5)
  • elevation - default 5
  • singleItem - default false
  • textOverflow - default TextOverflow.fade
  • textColor - default Colors.black
  • textActiveColor - default Colors.white
  • color - default Colors.white
  • activeColor - default Colors.blueGrey
  • highlightColor -
  • splashColor -
  • colorShowDuplicate - default Colors.red
  • onPressed - callback
  • onLongPressed - callback
  • onRemoved - callback


If you found this project helpful or you learned something from the source code and want to thank me:

  • Donate


If you encounter problems, open an issue. Pull request are also welcome.