R Scraper for LIHKG, the Hong Kong version of Reddit.

Primary LanguageR



The goal of LIHKGr is to scrape text data on the LIHKG, the Hong Kong version of Reddit, for analysis. LIHKG has gained popularity in 2016 and become a popular research data source during recent years. LIHKG is currently protected by Google's reCAPTCHA, this package currently builds on RSelenium and adopts a semi-manual approach to bypass it.


lihkgr.R contains all the required functions. Please install the following packages: RSelenium, raster, magrittr, and rvest and follow the following workflows:

  1. Run the R sciprt to load the packages and define all the functions.
  2. Set working directory, temporary files will be stored here.
  3. Run init_scraper() to initiate scraper. Specify the range of post ids to scrape.
  4. Run launch_browser() and solve reCAPTCHA when needed. The default browser is Chrome (77.0.3865.40), change browser and version if neccessary. This function builts on RSelenium::rsDriver(), see help file for more information about supported browsers.
  5. Run start_scraping() to strat scrapping. The function currently produces the following files: LIHKGr.RData which saves the workspace, lihkg_df.rds and lihkg_df.csv which save the dataframe as .rds and .csv respectively, and lihkg_df_postid.txt which save the last scraped post id.

If the browser has crashed, repeat step 4 and 5. If R has crashed, read in LIHKGr.RData and repeat step 4 and 5.

Known Issues / To-do List

  • Create R package using devtools
  • Create arguments for specifying file outputs.
  • Debug error scrapping empty last page
  • Debug error scraping hidden posts


  • Justin Chun-ting Ho
  • Nick H. K. Or


Ho, J.C. & Or, N.H.K. (2020). LIHKGr. An application for scraping LIHKG. Source code and releases available at https://github.com/justinchuntingho/LIHKGr.