
Primary LanguageKotlinThe UnlicenseUnlicense

INF273 Meta- Heuristics

This is a project done for Meta- Heuristics at the university of Bergen during the spring of 2020. This repo contains the final project shown during the exam of the course (link to the release).

Purpose of this project

During the course we were tasked to create software that would run meta-heuristic algorithms. Each assignment was built on top of the last assignment. This repo is the accumulated assignments and final exam of the course.

Each tab denotes how the project was after the denoted assignment. You can find the assignments in the assignments folder.

Concretely this is a meta-heuristic model to solve Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. The lower the objective value the better the quality of the solution.

How to run

To run open the project in IntelliJ, then select a profile to run. Not all profiles works, but those with a higher assignment number (ie 4 or 5) are likely to work while those marked as exam are guaranteed to work. You can edit how the algorithm will run by tweaking the given parameters. Run the help configuration for more information (or just look in the source).

Scores to beat

During the project the highest scoring solutions was release to the students. Sadly this project did not make it to any top spot (except for a very brief one time when (TODO upload picture of it)). If you for some reason want to try to beat the the class could manage see the table below.

This projects best scores

Note: During the exam we had a strict time limit for each instance, ie the time was the limiting factor. Note 2: For Call_7_Vehicle_3 an objective value of 1476444 the the global best solution.

Instance Average Objective Best Objective Average running time
Call_7_Vehicle_3 1476444 1476444 0.203 seconds
Call_18_Vehicle_5 2464250 2432417 19.5 seconds
Call_035_Vehicle_07 5575721 5483069 49.5 seconds
Call_080_Vehicle_20 13966935 13464825 119.505 seconds
Call_130_Vehicle_40 19614774 19203245 399.501 seconds

New instance score from exam

Instance Objective Score
New_Call_7 1251961
New_Call_18 2813167
New_Call_35 7216087
New_Call_80 13600943
New_Call_130 22793427

Best average (robustness) of whole class

Instance Student Average Objective Average running time
Call_7_Vehicle_3 Student #3 1476444 0.035 seconds
Call_18_Vehicle_5 Student #1 2400016 19 seconds
Call_035_Vehicle_07 Student #1 4632116 49 seconds
Call_080_Vehicle_20 Student #1 11658679.9 119 seconds
Call_130_Vehicle_40 Student #1 17384351.3 299 seconds

Best-found solution of whole class

Instance Student Best-found Objective Running time (approx.)
Call_7_Vehicle_3 Student #2 1476444 1.26 seconds
Call_18_Vehicle_5 Student #1 2400016 19 seconds
Call_035_Vehicle_07 Student #1 4580935 49 seconds
Call_080_Vehicle_20 Student #1 11543162 119 seconds
Call_130_Vehicle_40 Student #1 17270951 299 seconds

Release of the project

This project was released after the exam and the grade was published. This project is considered finished and will not receive any future updates.


This project is released to the public under the The Unlicense. The full length license can be found in the file UNLICENSE, and also on the unlicense website linked above.