
This extension adds console commands to be able to regenerate; a product rewrite URL based on its url path; a category rewrite URL based on its url path; a category URL path based on its URL key and its parent categories.

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Elgentos Regenerate Catalog URLs

What does it do

This extension adds console commands to be able to regenerate;

  • a product rewrite URL based on its url path;
  • a category rewrite URL based on its url path;
  • a CMS page rewrite URL based on its url path;
  • a category URL path based on its URL key and its parent categories.


Using Composer;

composer require elgentos/regenerate-catalog-urls
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Or download and copy the src directory into app/code/Elgentos/RegenerateCatalogUrls and run php bin/magento setup:upgrade.

How to use

 regenerate:product:url [-s|--store="..."] [pids1] ... [pidsN]
 regenerate:category:url [-s]--store="..."] [-r]--root="..."] [cids1] ... [cidsN]
 regenerate:category:path [-s]--store="..."] [-r]--root="..."] [cids1] ... [cidsN]
 regenerate:cms-page:url [-s]--store="..."] [pids1] ... [pidsN]

 pids                  Products (or Pages) to regenerate
 cids                  Categories to regenerate

 --store (-s)          Use a specific store (store Id, store code or 'all')
 --root (-r)           Regenerate for root category and its children, ignoring cids. 
 --verbose (-v)        Verbose mode to display the errors. Eg: duplicated product urls
 --help (-h)           Display this help message


# Regenerate url for all products and the global store
php bin/magento regenerate:product:url

# Regenerate url for products with id (1, 2, 3, 4) for store 1
php bin/magento regenerate:product:url -s1 1 2 3 4

# Regenerate url for all CMS pages
php bin/magento regenerate:cms-page:url -s all

# Regenerate url for root category 4 and its children for store 1
php bin/magento regenerate:category:url -s1 -r4


What's the difference between url_key and url_path?

url_key contains the key, like joust-duffle-bag for the product "Joust Duffle Bag". The url_path is generated by taking the url_key and adding the suffix (which for products is stored in catalog/seo/product_url_suffix and defaults to .html). So the url_path would by default become joust-duffle-bag.html. It also adds the category slugs of the parent categories so the url_path might become bags/joust-duffle-bag.html. However, the use of url_path has been deprecated since early Magento 2.1 versions (see here). If you are running on a recent Magento 2 version, you can safely delete those values by running DELETE FROM catalog_product_entity_varchar WHERE attribute_id = (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute WHERE attribute_code = 'url_path' AND entity_type_id = (SELECT entity_type_id FROM eav_entity_type WHERE entity_type_code = 'catalog_product')).

URL paths are still used in categories though, so don't remove those.

Why am I getting a 'Duplicated url' warning when running the command?

If you see this error, you have duplicate url_key values (within a store) in catalog_product_entity_varchar. You can use this extension to check those (and you need to fix them manually): baldwin/magento2-module-url-data-integrity-checker.