A maven project using BDD with Cucumber Framework to perform the Regression Testing for Swiggy application and to generate various reports.
The following requirements should be met:
- Create a Maven Project for Swiggy application.
- Create a TestNG class.
- Create an xml file to enable test cases.
- Create test classes for writing the test methods.
- Create a page object design pattern class to store the web elements of web pages.
- Create an excel file to store the test data.
- Create a class to read/write data from excel file.
- Create Gherkin keyword (Scenario, Given, When, Then and And).
- Create cucumber hooks (Two types of hooks: Before and After).
- Create cucumber integration with extent report.
- Run the project in different environments by using selenium grid.
- Create and build Jenkins job for the project.
- Run the project in Jenkins and Extent report will be generated.
- Push the code to your GitHub repositories.
This project is part of Simplilearn - Automation Testing Masters Program and it has to deal with functional testing, Test Driven Development (TDD) and DevOps integration.
Using vanilla starter kit framework and configure accordingly on the project needs.
mvn clean test
In order to change testing configuration, should:
Edit file main > resources > choices.conf
APP_ENV: valid choices are: "app.env.develop", "app.env.staging"
HOST: valid choices are: "host.localhost", "host.docker.selenium.grid"
BROWSER: valid choices are: "chrome"
HEADLESS: browser run mode. Valid choices are: "true", "false"
Firstly edit file main > resources > choices.conf and set:
and secondly run the following command:
mvn clean test
First should Docker software to be installed.
Then edit file main > resources > choices.conf and set:
Go to the project folder and run the following command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-v3.yml up
and then run the following command:
mvn clean test
From the previous sector Docker should be available and the following command to be executed:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-v3.yml up
After follow the nice tutorial for Jenkins Maven configuration.