For Blazor Web-Assembly
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Here is a quick video preview of this Open Soure Project - (
- Mudblazor Component Library
- .NET 5.0+
- Blazor Web-Assembly: ASP.NET Core Hosted
- Onion Architecture
- Persistent Dark Mode (Local Storage)
- Service-Based Approach
- MediatR at API Level
- AutoMapper
- API Versioning
- JWT Authentication
- Serilog - Server-Side Only*
- Complete User Management
- Profile Picture
- Clean Fluid UI
- CRUD Functionalities
- Custom Error Pages
- Localization
- Role Management
- User-Role Management
- Swagger
- Middlewares
- Favicon
- Default User & Role Seeding
- Dynamic Service Registration (WASM)
- Auto DB Migrations
- Paginated API Responses
- Polly - Retry Pattern for HttpClient
- Shared Email Service
- Hangfire Implementation
- Custom API Response for 500,401,403
- Specification Pattern
- Permission Based UI Rendering
- Refresh Tokens
- HTTP Interceptor
- Logout User if Refresh Token Fails
- Breadcrumbs
- Caching
- Chat
- Notifications System using SignalR
- Charts
- PDF Downloads
- Theme Manager
- File Upload
- Import / Export to Excel
- Social Auth - Facebook, Google
- Audit Trails
- Need someone to add in the API Documentation for Swagger.
- Need someone to implement localization throughout every Razor Component of the solution under the WASM(Client) Project. You can take the Pages/Authentication/Login.razor as the point of reference. It is as simple as adding
@inject Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.IStringLocalizer<Login> localizer
to every page, changing the texts to@localizer["Text Here"]
and finally adding resx files to the Resources Folder as per the folder structure. - Need few contributors to add in various language transalations as per the implemented Location. I got time to only add a few transalations for French as of now.
- Need a UI contributor to look at the UX/UI of the entire project
- Need someone to buildup a cool Material Logo for BlazorHero (BH):D Do contact me on LinkedIn (
- And finally, Stars from everyone! :D