
Java SpringBoot Backend Application for basic CRUD operations

Primary LanguageJava

Item CRUD Backend Service

Item management backend service written with Java SpringBoot.

  • healthcheck endpoint is actually not required but services in clouder providers or load balancers require this healtcheck.
  • In order to use this backend service 8080 port should be available on your local development machine if you want to start the service from your local.
  • You can find sample POSTMAN collection in the folder.

This project assumes you had already installed these tools:

  1. Docker
  2. Java 11
  3. Maven 3.6.3

Useful informations about project:

* Web Server: AWS EC2
* Database: AWS RDS MySQL
* CI/CD: Github Actions

API Usage

You can start the API from your local computer or using docker.

Below you can find the sample docker usage.

cd <this directory>
docker build -t java-springboot-be .
docker run -d -p 80:8080 java-springboot-be:latest

After starting the system, API will expose itself through port: 80.

Below you can find the sample local build.

cd <this directory>
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run

After starting the system, API will expose itself through port: 8080.


There are different endpoints for this API:

  1. /v1/healthcheck
  • This endpoint accepts GET request.

    • This endpoint is just useful for understanding of the application live status.
  1. /v1/items
  • This endpoint accepts POST and GET request.
    1. GET
    • You can send three optional parameters page, count, category.
    • page and count can be used for pagination purposes and if you include category parameters, endpoint will bring only items related with searched category.
    1. POST
    • Insert item to database.
    • Body Params:
      "name": "item17", [mandatory]
      "category": "spor", [mandatory]
      "price": 123123, [mandatory],
      "description": "lorem ipsum", [optional],
      "picture_url": "www.sample.com" [optional],
  1. /v1/items/:itemid
  • This endpoint accepts GET, PUT, DELETE requests.
    1. GET
    • Get the information about the item with given :itemid
    1. PUT
    • If item is in database this endpoint updates it, or else it is creating a new item.
    • Body Params:
      "name": "item17", [mandatory]
      "category": "spor", [mandatory]
      "price": 123123, [mandatory],
      "description": "lorem ipsum", [optional],
      "picture_url": "www.sample.com" [optional],
    1. DELETE
    • Delete the item with given :itemid

Test Scenarios

Controller, Service and Repository unit tests have been implemented. In order to run tests, commands below could be used:

cd <this directory>
mvn clean test