
Multi-Agent Path Finding Algorithm Selection Framework

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

MAPF Algorithm selection - documentation

  1. Solved MAPF problems data preparation
  2. MAPF feature extraction
  3. Experiments configuration
  4. Train models
  5. Deeper Analysis


You can either use our solved MAPF problems dataset, or create your own custom dataset.

Solved MAPF problems dataset

We solved more then 200,000 MAPF problems with 5 different MAPF solvers. Specifically, we solved the classical grid-based MAPF benchmark problems, and our suggested extension to it. Both benchmarks data (with features for algorithm selection) can be found here.

Custom MAPF problems dataset

Read this section if you choose to create your own solved MAPF dataset (with different solvers/problems). In order to create new data, you need to choose/generate MAPF problems and solve them. The data about the solved MAPF problems should contain the following attributes for each problem:

  1. Number of agents solved
  2. Instance id
  3. Map file
  4. Scenario type (i.e. even/random)
  5. [ALG] Runtime (i.e. CBS-H Runtime)

You are advised to use this repository to solve your MAPF problems. See the relevant documentation for using our solvers. Yet, you can solve with any other implementation, and provide the attributes above.

Joining experiments

In a case you ran multiple experiements (might be the case if running differenta algorithms from different code bases), you want to merge those experiment results to a single dataset. Relevant code is found in usage_example function under experiments.py.

Feature Extraction

Having collected solved MAPF problems attribute, now you will extract features for algorithm selection. Two types of features might be extracted, depending on the machine learning approach being used to takcle the algorithm selection task. We provide code to extract both MAPF-specific features (for our XGBoost models), and casting MAPF problems to images (for CNN models).

We note by RAW_DATA_PATH as the path to your csv file with attributes about solved MAPF instances. Specifically, next parts assume the following columns to exists in your csv file:

  1. GridName (i.e. Berlin-1-256)
  2. InstanceId
  3. problem_type (i.e. even/random)
  4. [ALG] Runtime
  5. NumOfAgents

MAPF-specific features

The code for extracting MAPF-specific features is in feature_extraction.py. You need to update raw_data_path to point to your csv file. Also, update scen and maps directories according to their location on your machine. Then, choose relevant features to be extracted from config.yaml file (under features array). Also, uncomment the following lines:

df = df.groupby('scen').progress_apply(feature_enhancement_per_group)
df.to_csv(raw_data_path.split('.csv')[0] + '-with-features.csv', index=False)

Finally, run:

python feature_extraction.py

MAPF as an image

The code for casting MAPF to an image features is in VizMapfGraph.py. First, make sure to update scen and maps directories according to their location on your machine. At the main function, update the path for the read_csv command with your raw_data_path. Finally, run:

 python VizMapfGraph.py


Before evaluating the different algorithms and conducting algorithm selection experiments, you need to define in config.yaml the following properties:

  1. max_runtime - Maximum running time for a MAPF algorithm to solve a problem (in milliseconds). We used 300,000 (5 minutes) throughout our experiments.
  2. data_split_method - Following our definitions of algorithm selection setups, here you can se the relevant setup train/test split logic (i.e., in-map, in-maptype, etc.)
  3. group_splits - How many cross-validation splits should be used. We performed 3-fold CV at our experiments.
  4. with_models - Boolean attribute - True in case you want to train/evaluate algorithm selection models, False otherwise.
  5. unsolved_problems_only - You might want to evaluate different subsets of your solved MAPF dataset. We provide options to select problems where only one algorithm solved (OnlyOneWin), problems where at least one algorithm failed to solve AtLeastOneFail, and problems where all algorithms successfully solved (AllSuccess). Leaving this option with All would evaluate over all dataset.

Train and evaluate algorithm selection models

We support both CNN and XGBoost models over four different algorithm selection tasks.

Training the different models have basically the same basic API. For example, training XGBoost regression model:

xgb_reg = XGBRegModel(runtime_cols, max_runtime, features, success_cols, type_suffix)
reg_preds = xgb_reg.predict(X_test, y_test)

You can see more examples of training XGBoost models at main.py file. For CNN models, check main-cnn.py file.

CNN Model weights can be found.

The trained models results save to model-results.csv file. The trained models (weights/xgb files) saved to the relevant models directory.

Deeper Analysis

For deeper analysis of the MAPF results, we refer to our analysis notebook under notebooks directory.