Native python and C++ code is availble. Only the C++ code was written with the intention of being made public, so should be a bit cleaner. Supports combining M* with MA-CBS only in python


  • cpp/ C++ implementation
    • test/ Source for C++ unittests
  • python/ python implementation
    • cbs/ MA-CBS
    • mstar/ basic M*
    • utils/ utillity code, including parallel and distributed map functions

Required Packages (Python)

  • python-networkx
  • python-matplotlib
  • python-ipdb

Required Packages (C++)

  • g++
  • libgtest-dev
  • libboost-graph-dev

Required Packages (Python bindings for C++ code)

  • cython (for python bindings. must be relatively recent, v0.20 works)
  • 'libpython-dev'

Note: libgtest must be made manually. This requires cmake. Then run

  • cd /usr/src/gtest
  • sudo cmake .
  • sudo make
  • sudo mv libg* /usr/lib/