Tropical forest gunshot classifier

Reproducability code for Katsis, L. K. D., et al. (2022). "Automated detection of gunshots in tropical forests using convolutional neural networks." Ecological Indicators 141 doi:

This associated data used for model training and validation (749 gunshots, and 35239 background sounds collected in tropical forest sites in Belize) is archived on Mendeley Data doi:

For detailed information and instructions on how to run predictions using this model, see the Opensoundscape docs.


  • Python 3.7
  • Opensoundscape

Quick start

Classify files using the Google Colab script here

  • Opensoundscape 0.7.1.

Gunshot classification GUI

  • User-friendly scripts to run the classification algorithm on your data are found in the subfolder Gunshot classification GUI
  • This page contains instructions on running the scrips, and example data.
  • Opensoundscape 0.7.1

Model training and classification

  • Scripts used to reproduce the manuscript are found in the subfolder Model and code
  • This folder contains the training script, the final model, and the prediction script
  • IMPORTANT - this model currently must be opened within Opensoundscape 0.5.0 or 0.6.0 to replicate results in paper. Results differ if opened in later versions of opensoundscape