
This application was developed in response to the test for the frontend developer position at ifood.

The requirements are described in ifood-frontend-test.


As a way to make the site more accessible, the following features were implemented:

  • VLibras, a plugin for translating the page into Libras;
  • Dark Mode;
  • Change font size;

Runnig Application

  • yarn install, to install dependencies;
  • yarn start, to run app;
  • yarn build, to run build for deploy application;


This app was developed with React Functional components with React Hooks.

For structures was used:

  • ReactJs, lib frontend for develop application;
  • SASS, to create styles;
  • Redux, to manage the state of the application;
  • React Hooks, to manage the life cycle of components;
  • React Router DOM, to manage routers;
  • React Router Redux, to manage state of routers;
  • Semantic UI React, lib of frontend components;
  • Axios, to fetch routes with promises;

Folder Structure

The folder structure is defined from the src folder which is the baseUrl.

  ├ api
  | └ index.js
  ├ components
  | ├ Filters
  | |   ├ index.js 
  | |   └ index.scss
  | ├ List
  | |   ├ Card
  | |   |   ├ index.js 
  | |   |   └ index.scss
  | |   ├ index.js 
  | |   └ index.scss
  | ├ NotFounded
  | |   ├ index.js 
  | |   └ index.scss
  | ├ App.js
  | └ App.scss
  ├ redux
  | ├ actions
  | |   └ playlists.action.js
  | ├ reducers
  | |   ├ index.js 
  | |   └ playlists.reducer.js
  | └ store.js
  ├ utils
  | ├ index.js
  | └ regex.js
  └ index.js

Problems found

When using Spotify's WEB-API I had problems with the return of locale and limit filters. I tried to use different types of authentication to solve it, but apparently the problem is with the API.

  • locale does not return different objects in the request;
  • limit does not return more than 10 elements in the request;