
Keep up-to-date copies of Quandl collections

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

QuandlSync: Keep up-to-date copies of Quandl collections.

QuandlSync is a Python-based utility for keeping a local copy of Quandl collections. While Quandl's API makes it easy to download single datasets and even performs basic pre-processing, there is no way to automatically fetch a whole collection or read its metadata. For batch-style jobs that are run every time new data is added it is handy to keep a copy instead of downloading the data in whole again.


  • Downloads metadata of the collections you are interested in.

  • Downloads all datasets of the collections or updates them if they are already present.

  • Executes download calls in parallel to save time (but only with few threads, we don't want to annoy Quandl who offer a great service).

  • Updates in a traffic-saving way by only fetching differences since the last update.

The data is stored in the collections sub-directory.


In addition to Python 3.x Quandl requires the following packages:

  • pandas

  • Quandl

You can download these packages from PyPi.

Also, you may want to register for a free Quandl account as the number of API calls per day is very limited for anonymous users while it is currently 50000/day for registered users.

Download and Installation

Simply check out the repository and move it to your preferred location.


Update settings.json with the API key of your Quandl account and set the collections list to contain the datasets you want to download.


    "api\_key": "YOUR\_API_KEY",
    "collections": [
        "CBOE"    ]

Will download the collections "BOE", "STOCKNOD" and "CBOE".


Simply execute QuandlSync with:

python3 QuandlSync.py

Metadata download limitation

Important: Currently, the metadata Quandl returns for a dataset does not appear to be consistent between runs in terms of the datasets returned. Sometimes it contains duplicates and lacks datasets. This leads to the phenomenon that you may need to execute QuandlSync multiple times until no further "Downloading dataset" messages are printed. The problem is more prevalent for larger collections than for smallers. Some collections are completely downloaded on the first run, others (e.g. BUNDESBANK, ~36k datasets) required up to 10 runs. A potential workaround may be to download the metadata multiple times, tidy and merge it (TODO).

Until then, you can check for completeness of your copy by comparing the number of files with the count given on Quandl's site.


  • Fix Metadata problem

  • Handle API call exceeding. Add queue system to account for usage cases in which a processing of the whole collection list is not possible in a single day due to the API call limit.

  • Make the path for data download editable.