Massa Localized Docs

This repository contains the localized documentation for the Massa project. It is based on the documentation in Massa Docs repository.

  • .pot files are automatically updated every day at 00:00 UTC.
  • .po files for every languages are automatically updated every day at 01:00 UTC.



In order to contribute to the documentation, you need to have sphinx installed on your computer. You can install it with pip:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

How to translate the documentation

To translate the documentation, you need to make sure that the files for the language you want to translate are present in the locales folder. If they are not, you have to create an issue in this repository to ask for the addition of the language you want to translate.

If the files are present, you can clone this repository and start translating the documentation. You can find the .po files in the locales/<language>/LC_MESSAGES folder. You can edit them with any text editor.

Once you are done translating, you can submit a pull request to this repository. The pull request will be reviewed by the Massa team and merged if it is correct.

How to add missing msgid in the .po files

If some msgid are missing in the .po files, it's probably because they have been added to the documentation since the last time the .po files were updated. To add the missing msgid to the .po files, you can run the following command:

sphinx-intl update -p build/locale -l <language>

Where <language> is the language you want to update. You can then commit the changes and submit a pull request.