
A Makefile for Java projects

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A Makefile for Java projects

This is about an alternative way to manage the build process of Java projects.

If you know how to use the Autotools and GNU Make and are tired of the slowness and clumsiness of the mainstream tools used to manage Java projects (e.g. maven, ant, etc.), this project may help you take full control of your own projects and drastically reduce the time required to compile them.

NOTE: The wiki contains a few pages that analyse the problem and the solution more extensively.


make4java is not a new tool you have to learn to use, but a new way to use GNU Make to manage Java projects -- with particular emphasis on big ones -- effectively.

A project employing the make4java approach will be made of:

  1. a configure.ac and related files
  2. a Makefile.in
  3. one or more build.mk files
  4. the source code

The configure.ac, the files in the m4 and build-aux directories, the config.h.in and the Makefile.in will be copies of the ones provided here, modified (or deleted if not used) to fit the project's specific requirements.

The build.mk files are written from scratch, one for each JAR archive, test suite or native library.

The source code can be both Java or native C code interfaced to the JVM through the JNI. Also, it is possible to add resources to the JAR archives produced, as long as they are kept separate from the source code.

To make things more tangible, a full blown sample Java project is provided: it uses most of the features of make4java.

If you're lucky, you'll only need to change a few lines of the provided files, to adapt them to your project. In the worst case you will need to add more checks to the configure.ac for some external program / library your project depends on or to add / modify a few Makefile.in's rules, e.g., modify the packaging rules or add rules for deployment. In any case the core of both configure.ac and Makefile.in should need no tweak, as they address problems common to any Java project.

The sample project

A typical Java project has the following structure:

  • the whole project is split into a number of "components", each one containing everything needed to build a JAR archive, a test suite or a native library, i.e., source code, resources, external Java libraries and even JAR archives or native libraries from some other component
  • inside each component, source code and resources are both organised hierarchically but rooted on distinct directories
  • the result of the build process is some kind of archive containing the JAR archives and native libraries from all or some of the project's components plus a bunch of miscellaneous files like scripts, documentation, etc.

The sample project follows the above schema:

  • there are four components: bar/java, foo/java, foo/native and foo/test, where bar/java's JAR archive will contain foo/java's JAR archive
  • testing is performed through a dedicated components, foo/test -- it will be built only when / if running the tests
  • both Java and native source code are rooted on src and the resources on resources
  • building the sample project will yield a .tar.gz containing bar/java's JAR archive, foo/native's native library, bin/run.sh, doc/README and the Javadoc documentation

To compile it, you need a JDK, version 1.3 or successive should do, however I've only tested version 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 of OpenJDK.

configure.ac requires Autoconf version 2.62 or successive and Libtool version 2.4.6 or successive. To build or rebuild the configure script run:


Then, to build the TAR package run:


And to run the tests:

make check

NOTE: BSD make is not GNU Make. The syntax of (simple) rules is the same, but everything else is different (e.g., the available functions and their syntax). However, GNU Make is available as an external package or port and its executable is usually named gmake.

If you prefer not to build your project in the same directory tree of the source code, just create a "build" directory somewhere and invoke the configure script from there:

mkdir /path/to/build/tree
cd /path/to/build/tree

Native code and the tests (which check the native code) are disabled by default. To enable them you can pass configure the --enable-foo-feature option. I've tested the native code on GNU/Linux (Arch Linux), FreeBSD 10.3 and 11.0, Mac OS X 10.11.6 (with Xcode 8.0) and Windows 10 Enterprise (with Cygwin 2.6.0, see the next section for instructions). Thank to Autoconf and Libtool adding more architectures should be trivial.

For a list of supported options and environment variables affecting the build process run:

./configure --help

NOTE: Most of the "installation directories" shown in the help screen are unused. The only ones used are prefix, execprefix and libdir. They are required just to give a path to Libtool's -rpath option, that is, nothing will be ever installed in libdir, prefix nor execprefix.

The TAR archive will be created under the packages directory. The build directory will contain a bunch of files and directories required to build the package and keep the current status of the source code.

You can unpack the package and run the bin/run.sh script -- it will print some random text. What the sample project does is not really important -- it is really just a template project I use to write new ones.

To clean up run:

make clean

To remove configure generated files run:

make distclean

For more information, read the sample configure.ac and Makefile.in.

Compiling on Windows

Windows is quite different from Unix, it has different tools, libraries, header files and APIs. This means that to compile applications written for Unix on Windows you have to modify the source code.

An alternative is to use Cygwin to provide your application with an "adaptation layer" that simulates an Unix environment atop the Windows APIs and libraries. Tools and header files are instead provided by the several Cygwin's packages.

In this section I describe how to build the sample project using Cygwin.

First install a suitable JDK -- you don't need a special one, the regular Windows version will do.

Then download and execute the Cygwin installer -- I've used version 2.6.0 on Windows 10 Enterprise -- then, from the list of packages to be installed, select all the required tools: GNU Make, Autoconf, Libtool, the binutils and a compiler (and maybe something more I can't remember right now).

Now, for some unknown (to me) reason Cygwin's GCC won't build working DLLs. I had to install MinGW's GCC instead (from Cygwin's packages) and configure the sample project for a cross-compilation:

./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --enable-foo-feature

The JDK I used while testing make4java didn't update the PATH environment variable to point to javac, javah, ecc., so I had to pass configure the JAVA_PREFIX variable.

NOTE: If you run the resulting bin/run.sh script you may get the following error message after the expected output: "Cannot delete temp file: C:\cygwin64\tmp\foo-2883378982810232885.jar" (the long number will be different). This is not a problem with Cygwin or MinGW's GCC, it is a problem with the inability of the JVM to delete its own temporary files (for another unknown reason -- it's been years since the last time I used a Windows system, still there are plenty of unknown reasons for things to fail).

A real world example

The clone of the Mobicents jSS7 is a bigger, real world project based on a previous (unreleased) version of make4java, where the difference in performance between the original build system used (maven) and make4java is clearly noticeable.

NOTE: By default the maven-based build system will also run test suites on the compiled code. For a fair comparison you should disable them.

Sure, make4java requires you to manually download all the external libraries, whereas maven downloads them automatically. At first this may seem to be a great feature, but when using maven with big projects, with tens or hundreds of dependencies it happens more often than not to include two slightly different version of the same library, just because they are themselves dependencies of other libraries whose dependencies you can't control -- or maybe can, with great effort. make4java gives you full control about which single version of a library to use in your project. And if you need different versions of the same library, just download them all and you're done.

Tweak instructions

Java classes are compiled in three phases:

  1. first, the list of the source files to be compiled is built (if all the classes are up to date, the list will be empty)
  2. then, if the list is not empty, all the source files collected are compiled with a single invocation of javac
  3. finally, everything else left to be done is done (e.g., building JARs, compiling native code, etc.)

All the dependencies are tracked, that is:

  1. if class A is modified, all the classes that make use of it are recompiled too
  2. JAR archives containing class / resource / JAR files that were recompiled / modified / updated will be updated as well

Note that inter-class dependencies are tracked only if the jdeps utility is available and enabled. If it cannot be found or if it was explicitly disabled, then the Java source files will be all recompiled every time just only one of them requires recompilation -- that is, if none of them were modified, no source files will be recompiled at all.

jdeps was added in JDK 1.8, however you don't need to compile your source code with JDK 1.8 just to enjoy incremental compilation: you can tell configure to use jar, java, javac, javadoc and javah from, say, JDK 1.7 and jdeps from JDK 1.8. All you need to do is to pass configure the JAR, JAVA, JAVAC, JAVADOC, JAVAH and JDEPS variables with appropriate values.

NOTE: The proper way to pass configure those variables is:

configure JAVAC="/path/to/javac -options" JDEPS=/path/to/jdeps

Do not use the following idiom:

JAVAC="/path/to/javac -options" JDEPS=/path/to/jdeps configure


export JAVAC="/path/to/javac -options"
export JDEPS=/path/to/jdeps

The configure.ac

The main purpose of configure.ac is to locale the tools needed (awk, cc, javac, etc.) and to enable or disable optional features, like the foo-feature and the incremental compilation.

To locate the Java tools I've written specially crafted Autoconf macros, as those I found around were not solid enough. You'll find them in the m4 subdirectory.

If you need some external native library, you should use Autoconf macros to locate and test it. For external Java libraries, use the method explained in the next section.

For more information about Autoconf run:

info autoconf

NOTE: It's a well known limit of the Autotools the inability to manage pathnames containing whitespaces and "special characters" in them (see the Autoconf info page for a complete list). So, if your project files or your tools contain special characters in their names, expect troubles. A simple fix is to create symbolic links -- without special characters in their pathnames -- to those files and/or tools and give configure the names of the symbolic links.

The Makefile.in

For the sake of clarity and documentation, the Makefile.in was split into the following parts:

  1. Tools
  2. Project properties and structure
  3. build.mk's variables and macros
  4. External Java libraries
  5. Java components
  6. Native components
  7. Components' build.mk files
  8. Automatic remake
  9. Binary packages
  10. Run tests
  11. Source packages
  12. Documentation
  13. Clean-up

However, the parts you may need to tweak are:

  1. Tools
  2. Project properties and structure
  3. Components' build.mk files
  4. Binary packages
  5. Run tests
  6. Source packages
  7. Documentation
  8. Clean-up

"Tools" fills up a number of Make variables with the corresponding variables defined in configure.ac. You may need to add some extra variables for native libraries your project depends on.

"Project properties and structure" defines some useful variables -- e.g., the current version of your project (package.version) -- and the names of several directories and files -- e.g., the name of the root directory of the Java source code tree (SOURCES_PATH), the name of file containing inter-class dependencies (JAVA_DEPENDENCIES), etc.

For example, the sample project stores the Java source files in the src subdirectory under each component's base directory. To use another subdirectory, redefine the SOURCES_PATH variable.

The "build.mk's variables and macros", "External Java libraries", "Java components" and "Native components" parts define several targets, most of which are for internal use and are not meant to be invoked directly from the command line, except for the following ones:

  • compile: compiles all the Java classes and native object files
  • check-<componentname>: runs the test suite of the specified component

"Components' build.mk files" contains a list of included build.mk files, one for each project's component -- more on the build.mk files in the next section. It defines the following target:

  • components: builds all the components' JAR archives and native libraries

The remaining parts add more targets to the ones described above. Some of them are the "standard targets" any GNU Build System compliant Makefile must support. I chose them just to give Makefile.in some resemblance to Automake produced Makefiles, but you can really define whatever targets you want or need.

"Binary packages" is meant to contain the instructions required to build one or more binary packages. It defines the following non-standard target:

  • bin-packages: builds the binary package(s)

And the following standard targets:

  • all (also the default target): builds the binary package(s), in fact, it is just an alias for bin-packages
  • install and install-strip: for there's nothing to install they are just more aliases for bin-packages
  • uninstall: this target will do nothing, for nothing is installed

For the sake of illustration, the sample Makefile.in contains instructions to build a .tar.gz archive (if the gzip utility is available, or a plain .tar if not) containing some of the project's components, a README, a script to start the application and the Javadoc documentation. You may adapt it to your needs or write your own instructions from scratch, but, whichever path you decide to follow, keep in mind that to add dependencies between the binary package(s) and the projects' components add as many $(<componentname>.buildname) as required to the binary packages' prerequisites (more on this in the next section).

"Run tests" contains the rules required to run all the test suites (the rules to run a specific test suite are defined in the "Java components" part). If your project doesn't contain tests, you may remove this section. It defines the following standard targets:

  • check: runs all the test suites -- if you only want to run a specific test suite, use the check-<componentname> target instead
  • installcheck: should run a test suite against the installed files, but given that nothing is installed, it is just an alias for check

"Source packages" contains the rules to build one or more source packages. It defines the following standard target:

  • dist: builds a TAR package containing the source code and all the files needed to build from source

"Documentation" contains the rules to build the Javadoc documentation. It defines the following non-standard target:

  • doc: builds the Javadoc-style documentation

The last part, "Clean-up", contains the rules to clean-up the build tree. It defines the following standard targets:

  • clean: removes any file built by make -- to keep things as simple as possible, the sample project stores all the generated files in two directories, $(BUILD_DIR) and $(PACKAGE_DIR), making the clean target as simple as a single rm -rf
  • distclean: same as clean but will also remove all the files generated by configure

The build.mk

The Makefile.in deals with global properties of the project, whereas the build.mk deals with the properties of a single component, i.e., a JAR archive, a test suite or a native library.

A build.mk should contain a single macro invocation:


in case of a JAR archive:


in case of a test suite, or:


in case of a native library.

Those macros are defined in the "Java components" and in the "Native components" parts of the Makefile.in. The arguments to the macros define properties of the component, namely:

  • MK_NAME is the name of the component
  • MK_VERSION is the version of the component -- can be empty
  • MK_ENABLED if set to 'yes' the component will be built
  • MK_DIR is the relative path to the component's subdirectory (the directory containing the build.mk file) from the project's topmost directory (the directory containing the Makefile.in)
  • MK_SOURCES lists the Java or native source files of the component
  • MK_RESOURCES lists the resources to be included in the JAR archive
  • MK_INCLUDED_JARS lists the names of the components whose JAR archive or native library have to be included in this component's JAR archive
  • MK_ADDITIONAL_CLASSES lists the names (in the package.subpackage.classname format) of classes, defined in other components, to be included in this component's JAR archive
  • MK_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES lists the names of the components the test suite depends on -- at least the tested component should be listed
  • MK_MAIN_CLASS is the name of the class to invoke to run the test suite -- it must define the public static void main(String[]) method and require no arguments
  • MK_CFLAGS specifies options to be passed to the C compiler
  • MK_LDFLAGS specifies options to be passed to the native linker
  • MK_JAVAH_CLASSES specifies a list of Java classes whose interfaces have to be exported as JNI C include files
  • MK_EXTERNAL_OBJECTS lists the names (in the native-library-name/object-file-name.o format) of object files, defined in other native components, to be included in this component's native library

The values specified for MK_NAME and MK_VERSION are used to build the name of the JAR archive / native library. The name is different depending on whether MK_VERSION is empty or not: if empty, the JAR archive will be named <name>.jar and the native library <name>.la, else they will be named <name>-<version>.jar and <name>-<version>.la.

NOTE: .la is the extension used by Libtool for its generic library wrapper file. The actual extension used for the shared library depends on the system used to build it.

MK_ENABLED is used to control (from configure) which component to build and which to skip. If the component must be built unconditionally, just set it to 'yes'.

The class names listed in the MK_JAVAH_CLASSES argument must be specified in the "dot notation", i.e., some.package.name.SomeClass.

File names specified in MK_SOURCES and MK_RESOURCES must be relative to the component's directory (i.e., MK_DIR).

As an aid, the macros FIND_SOURCES, FIND_RESOURCES and FIND_NATIVE_SOURCES are provided to fill up the MK_SOURCES and MK_RESOURCES arguments with the names of the files found in the directories specified by the SOURCES_PATH, RESOURCES_PATH and NATIVE_SOURCES_PATH variables, respectively.

Before being added to the JAR archive the resource files are "filtered", that is, they will be parsed looking for string formatted like ${<varname>}, which, when found, are replaced with the value of variable <varname>.

To avoid looking for every make variable defined, only variables listed in the RESOURCE_PLACEHOLDERS variable are looked for. RESOURCE_PLACEHOLDERS is shared among all the components, thus it should be modified only by means of the += operator.

Any make variable can be listed in RESOURCE_PLACEHOLDERS, however RESOURCE_PLACEHOLDERS is most useful when combined with the "library variables".

For each external Java library, JAR archive, test suite or native library, the following four "library variables" are defined:

  • <componentname>.version, containing the version number of the library
  • <componentname>.basename, containing the file name of the library, stripped of the path
  • <componentname>.buildname, containing the file name of the library, including the relative path from the project's topmost directory
  • <componentname>.jarname, containing the file name of the library, including the relative path from the JAR's root directory

Here <componentname> is either the external Java library file name stripped of the file extension and version number or the name of the component as specified in the MK_NAME argument.

The last variable is meant to be used to reference included libraries from inside JAR archives. <componentname> must be specified in the MK_INCLUDED_JARS argument of the including component.

For example, in the sample project the bar component includes the foo component, that is, bar's build.mk defines MK_INCLUDED_JARS := foo. When built, bar's JAR archive will contain a copy of foo's JAR archive in a file named jars/foo-1.0.1.jar (the directory jars can be changed redefining the Makefile.in's resources.jars variable).

Note that the MK_INCLUDED_JARS variable works with external Java libraries too.

Also, when defining components including other components' JAR archives or native libraries, care must be taken in ensuring that when writing the "Components' build.mk files" part of the Makefile.in, build.mks of the included components are included in the Makefile.in before the including components' build.mks. If make fails with error "*** Missing included component(s): foo. Stop.", then you have misspelled foo's name, forgot to include foo's build.mk in your Makefile.in or included it after a component that lists foo in its MK_INCLUDED_JARS argument.

MK_ADDITIONAL_CLASSES and MK_EXTERNAL_OBJECTS are finer grained versions of MK_INCLUDED_JARS which allow to include single class or object files. These are useful when your project contains components meant to be used in different environments (e.g., client and server sides). In many cases they will share a number of common classes but you can't (nor wouldn't) duplicate the source files in every component using them. The solution is to include the source files in one component and then use MK_ADDITIONAL_CLASSES and MK_EXTERNAL_OBJECTS to share them with all the other components.

Moreover, contrary to MK_INCLUDED_JARS, when using MK_ADDITIONAL_CLASSES and MK_EXTERNAL_OBJECTS you don't have to include the components' build.mk files in some specific order -- make will figure out the dependencies between the involved components irrespective of the order of inclusion of the build.mk files.

The BUILD_MAKE_RULES, BUILD_TEST_MAKE_RULES and BUILD_NATIVE_MAKE_RULES macros define several targets bound together into dependency trees whose roots are, respectively, the JAR archive, the test suite (another JAR archive) and the native library of the component.

Those root targets are not build automatically but must be explicitly invoked or included as prerequisite in other targets, e.g., the package(s) target(s) (see previous section). This is the purpose of the third "library variable" -- it is much easier to add <componentname>.buildname among the prerequisites rather than building the external Java library, JAR archive or native library name yourself.

Also note that the first and last "library variables" as well as the resources.jars, resources.libs, package.name and package.version variables are automatically added to RESOURCE_PLACEHOLDERS. Any other variable you may want to be expanded during filtering must be explicitly added to RESOURCE_PLACEHOLDERS.

GNU Make compatibility

To improve performances, Makefile.in makes use of the file function, available in GNU Make version 4.0 or greater.

However, it looks like many systems today are still using GNU Make version 3.81 -- a ten years old version (e.g., Mac OS X and Android). To allow you to use make4java in those systems, Makefile.in contains instructions to detect GNU Make version and, in case it is older than version 4.0, resort to alternative recipes wherever the file function is employed.

Note that those alternative recipes are quite inefficient and for big projects they may slow down the build process considerably. So, for big projects, you should consider installing a more recent version of GNU Make.

Also note that versions older than 3.81 won't work as they lack other required functions (e.g., version 3.80 lacks the lastword function and version 3.79 lacks the eval function too), whereas version 3.82 should work without issues.


make4java - A Makefile for Java projects

Written in 2016 by Francesco Lattanzio franz.lattanzio@gmail.com

To the extent possible under law, the author have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.

You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/.