Set up by runing sh ./ You can also follow along this:

sudo apt install python3-venv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Usage: -h

Usage: python -v 150 -s 05ZdW1mabg6 -t 3RnYLkkBAye -s survery is extracted from the url id, and -t target is extracted from page inspection, in the html similar to :disabled="optionsLimitReached() && !checkedOptions.includes('3RnYLkkBAye')

pip install requests

You are ready to roll

In case you happen to have your proxies in txt`` file formats, you can easily merge all your files in a single xmlfile by compiling [ g++ -o txt2xml txt2xml.cpp]thecppsource file attached or running thetxt2xmlfile and parsing yourtxtas a commandlineparam```. e.g

./txt2xml proxy1.txt proxy2.txt ...

Whose output would be proxies.xml, from which reads.
