
🏠 My portfolio - a set of my main projects and my skills

Primary LanguageCSS

🏠 My Portfolio

enter image description here

Why? I've created this portfolio to present my projects, my skills and myself to world. It translates a lot about me. I like flat and clean designs, usablity and minimalism.

🚀 Technologies

This project was developed with the following technologies:

📌 Layout

You can see this website layout clicking here. You'll need a Figma account.

🕵‍♂ Website Sections

  • Main menu: the website's main menu
  • Banner: introduction about me and my services
  • Readme.md: who am I?
  • My Skills: my skills how computer engineer
  • Main services: my main services
  • Some projects: some apps that I made
  • Send me a message: a simple and flat form to contact me
  • Footer: copyright and social networks links

⏳ Pending Improvements

  • Preloading screen
  • Animations on scroll
  • Contact form config

🇧🇷 Collaborators

Elias Biondo profile image
Elias Biondo

💬 Any suggestions?

Feel free to suggest new features or make your own changes.

Coded with ❤️ by Elias Biondo