This package automatically starts a backend user session for the open source CMS TYPO3, configured by an environment variable. You can set a cookie to temporarily disable the automatic login. There‘s a bookmarklet that does the job for you.
It is based on the Daniel Siepmann‘s great work. If you feel like saying "Thank you" or donating please consider him first!
Be considerate when using this tool. Always have security in mind.
Any usage beyond development on a local machine is strongly discouraged.
Make sure to only require this package with --dev
option and check your
deployment for measures to make sure the code is never deployed to a production
By using this package you agree to be responsible for any damages arising from its usage.
composer require --dev undkonsorten/typo3-auto-login
Usage without composer has not been tested but might be perfectly possible if you take care about class (auto) loading by yourself.
To configure username for automatic login set the environment variable
somewhere in your environment.
Add an initialization call in your AdditionalConfiguration.php
or in
a file required from there. Make sure to only initialize the service for
context by either wrapping it with a condition or putting
it to a file only loaded in Development
if (\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\Environment::getContext()->isDevelopment()) {
Autologin will fail and throw an exception in Production(/*)
There are reasons to temporarily disable the automatic login. For this,
there‘s a bookmarklet that (un)sets the cookie _typo3-auto-login
for you
to prevent autologin. Just add a new bookmark with the following "URL"
javascript:(q=>{let n=window.Notification,s='_typo3-auto-login',d='disable',p='TYPO3 auto login',w=document,a=w.cookie.split(';').some(x=>x.trim()===`${s}=${d}`);w.cookie=`${s}=${a?';expires='+new Date(0).toUTCString():d};path=/;`;n&&n.permission!=='denied'&&n.requestPermission().then(q=>new n(p,{body:`(${a?'✓':'✗'}) ${p} is now ${a?'enabled':'disabled'}. Cookie »${s}« has been ${a?'removed':'set'}.`,icon:''}));})();
and name the file according to your likings.
Q: My user is not authenticated, what‘s wrong?
A: Either you have a typo in the username or your environment variable hasn‘t taken effect yet. You might need to restart your web server, docker container or the like. Or you‘re running