
Licensing and applications manager.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

License Handler · Eliasis PHP Framework plugin

Packagist License

Versión en español

Licensing and applications manager.


This plugin is supported by PHP versions 5.6 or higher and is compatible with HHVM versions 3.0 or higher.


The preferred way to install this extension is through Composer.

To install License Handler, simply:

composer require eliasis-framework/license-handler

The previous command will only install the necessary files, if you prefer to download the entire source code you can use:

composer require eliasis-framework/license-handler --prefer-source

You can also clone the complete repository with Git:

git clone https://github.com/eliasis-framework/license-handler.git

Available Methods

Available methods in this plugin:


- Add application

$application->add($name, $type, $category, $active);
Atttribute Description Type Required
$name Application name. string Yes
$type Application type. string Yes
$category Application category. string Yes
$active Application state. boolean Yes

@return (int) → Application inserted ID.

- Update application

$application->update($id, $name, $type, $category, $active);
Atttribute Description Type Required
$id Application ID. string Yes
$name Application name. string Yes
$type Application type. string Yes
$category Application category. string Yes
$active Application state. boolean Yes

@return (int) → Rows affected.


- Add site

$site->add($domain, $host, $ip, $authorized);
Atttribute Description Type Required
$domain Site domain. string Yes
$host Site host. string Yes
$ip Site ip. string Yes
$authorized Authorized?. boolean Yes

@return (int) → Site inserted ID.

- Update site

$site->update($id, $domain, $host, $ip, $authorized);
Atttribute Description Type Required
$id Site ID. string Yes
$domain Site domain. string Yes
$host Site host. string Yes
$ip Site ip. string Yes
$authorized Authorized?. boolean Yes

@return (int) → Rows affected.


- Generate license key

$license->generateKey($characters, $segments);
Atttribute Description Type Required Default
$characters Characters number by segments. int No 5
$segments Segments number. int No 5

@return (string) → License key.

- Add license

$license->add($appID, $siteID, $key, $state, $expire);
Atttribute Description Type Required
$appID Application table id. int Yes
$siteID Site table id. int Yes
$key License key. string Yes
$state License state. bool Yes
$expire License expiration date. string Yes

@return (int) → License inserted ID.

- Update license

$license->update($id, $appID, $siteID, $key, $state, $expire);
Atttribute Description Type Required
$id License ID. string Yes
$appID Application table id. int Yes
$siteID Site table id. int Yes
$key License key. string Yes
$state License state. bool Yes
$expire License expiration date. string Yes

@return (int) → Rows affected.

- Check if license exists

Atttribute Description Type Required
$license License key. string Yes

@return (boolean)


- Add option

$option->add($licenseID, $name, $value);
Atttribute Description Type Required
$licenseID License table id. string Yes
$name Option name. string Yes
$value Option value. string Yes

@return (int) → Option inserted ID.

- Update option

$option->update($id, $licenseID, $name, $value);
Atttribute Description Type Required
$id Option ID. string Yes
$licenseID License table id. string Yes
$name Option name. string Yes
$value Option value. string Yes

@return (int) → Rows affected.

Quick Start

To use this plugin, your Eliasis application must use the PHP-Database library and add the following to the application configuration files:

 * eliasis-app/config/complements.php
return [

    'plugin' => [

        'license-handler' => [

            'db-id' => 'app',
            'db-prefix' => 'test_',
            'db-charset' => 'utf8',
            'db-engine' => 'innodb'

And get the instances from each table:

use Eliasis\Complement\Type\Plugin;

$site = Plugin::WP_Plugin_Info()->getControllerInstance('Site');
$option = Plugin::WP_Plugin_Info()->getControllerInstance('Option');
$license = Plugin::WP_Plugin_Info()->getControllerInstance('License);
$application = Plugin::WP_Plugin_Info()->getControllerInstance('Application');



- Add application

$appID = $application->add('app-name', 'plugin', 'WordPress', 1);

- Update application

$application->update($appID, 'new-app-name', 'module', 'Prestashop', 1);


- Add site

$siteID = $site->add(
 '', 1

- Update site

 '', 1


- Generate license key

$license = $license->generateKey(); // 3FGSV-BZ49N-U79EA-S96ZY-MFQ63

$license = $license->generateKey(5, 5); // 3FGSV-BZ49N-U79EA-S96ZY-MFQ63

$license = $license->generateKey(4, 4); // 3FGS-BZ4N-U7EA-S9ZY

$license = $license->generateKey(6, 5); // SF4W2H-FEJKZ5-PU7KAD-N77486-BKMJSW

$license = $license->generateKey(4, 2); // FT3Q-EBT5

- Add license

$licenseID = $license->add(1, 1, $key, $license, '+1day');

$licenseID = $license->add(1, 1, $key, $license, '+10days');

$licenseID = $license->add(1, 1, $key, $license, '+1week');

$licenseID = $license->add(1, 1, $key, $license, '+1month');

$licenseID = $license->add(1, 1, $key, $license, '+2months');

$licenseID = $license->add(1, 1, $key, $license, '+1year');

$licenseID = $license->add(1, 1, $key, $license, '+2years');

- Update license

$license->update(1, 1, $key, $license, '+3weeks');

- Check if license exists



- Add option

$option->add($licenseID, 'lang', 'es-ES');

- Update option

$option->update($id, $licenseID, 'lang', 'en-EN');


This plugin will create the following tables.

- test_applications

The table structure created is as follows:

Columns Data type
app_id INT(9)
app_name VARCHAR(80)
app_type VARCHAR(80)
app_category VARCHAR(80)
app_state INT(1)

- test_sites

The table structure created is as follows:

Columns Data type
site_id INT(9)
site_domain VARCHAR(255)
site_host VARCHAR(255)
site_ip VARCHAR(1)
site_authorized INT(1)

- test_licenses

The table structure created is as follows:

Columns Data type
lic_id INT(9)
app_id INT(9)
site_id INT(9)
lic_key VARCHAR(29)
lic_state INT(1)
lic_expire DATETIME
site_authorized INT(1)

- test_options

The table structure created is as follows:

Columns Data type
option_id INT(9)
lic_id INT(9)
option_name VARCHAR(180)
option_value LONGTEXT


To run tests you just need composer and to execute the following:

git clone https://github.com/eliasis-framework/license-handler.git

cd license-handler

composer install

Run unit tests with PHPUnit:

composer phpunit

Run PSR2 code standard tests with PHPCS:

composer phpcs

Run PHP Mess Detector tests to detect inconsistencies in code style:

composer phpmd

Run all previous tests:

composer tests


If this project helps you to reduce your development time, you can sponsor me to support my open source work 😊


This repository is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright © 2017-2022, Josantonius