
Language model trained on wiki corpus (500M tokens) with fastai v1 acc>42.3% len(vocab)=60K

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Language model trained in wiki corpus with fastai v1 acc>43% len(vocab)=60K perplexity 18,9

fastai v1.0.57 spacy

Preparing wiki corpus

run prepare_wiki.sh: bash prepare_wiki.sh "es"

wrap wiki file: python wiki2csv.py

download spacy for spa: python -m spacy download es_core_news_sm

create tokens and map tokens to Ids (save itos): python create_toks_1Ids.py --dir-path eswiki --lang es_core_news_sm

run notebook or TrainLm.py (I trained 5 epochs with different learning rates )

to train a classifier with the pretrained model weights: run notebook LM_fine_tune_Classifier_training.ipynb (the train and validation csv should be the classification dataset)

Pretrained Model and itos:

itos: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjpGgbeu726PhB-XVsfvRzJAUZH-?e=6RvMP2

Model: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjpGgbeu726PhCBWMpzi7GfHmmcz?e=2TfVUR