
You can have additional information about me through my social networks and my public-speaking initiatives.

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Hi there, I'm Elias Nogueira 👋

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I help professional software engineers (backend, frontend, qa) to develop their quality mindset and deliver bug-free software so they become top-level engineers and get hired for the best positions in the market.

  • 🤖 I’m a Software Engineer focusing on Quality Engineering
  • 🧑‍💻 I'm currently working as a Senior Principal Software Engineer
  • 🏆 I'm a Java Champion
  • ♠️ I'm an Oracle ACE for Java
  • 📰 I'm one of the Java Magazine NL editors
  • 🌐 I have a personal blog where you can find a lot of content about Quality Engineering
  • 😀 I also have an awesome page listing all my initiatives Public Speaking
  • ❓ What is the biggest challenge you're facing? Tell me more about it Send your question

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