- 0
Set up a Python virtual environment
#35 opened by eliasnorrby - 1
Put GTK theme config under version control
#41 opened by eliasnorrby - 0
Varmilo Fn keys always trigger media keys
#44 opened by eliasnorrby - 1
Spicetify config
#40 opened by eliasnorrby - 0
nvm prefix incompatibility
#43 opened by eliasnorrby - 0
Set up coc-pyright
#42 opened by eliasnorrby - 1
Make post-install script aware of topic state
#21 opened by eliasnorrby - 1
Use editorconfig for shfmt configuration
#32 opened by eliasnorrby - 1
Switch to GitHub actions for CI
#36 opened by eliasnorrby - 1
Make use of config imports for Alacritty
#38 opened by eliasnorrby - 1
Add OS filtering option to links
#37 opened by eliasnorrby - 2
- 1
Make topic tasks aware of topic state
#20 opened by eliasnorrby