Bird = Batch is really bad
Not that a language written in it is any better
Bird is a toy programming language written entirely in Microsoft's batch scripting language. It adds amazing features such as functions and importing libraries like any other programming language at the cost of stuff like arithmetic and if statements.
- Functions with parameters
- Importing libraries
- Compilation to batch
use Console
define Main
Console.Println "Hello World"
# Prints 'Hello World'
use Console String Math "Library"
define Main $name
Console.Println String.Concat "Hello " $name
Console.Println TimesTwo "16"
define TimesTwo $1
$out Math.Mul $1 "2"
return $out
# First prints 'Hello ' + your first command line parameter
# Then prints '32'
# And lastly prints 'Hello'
use Console Math
define Main
Console.Println Math.Add "1" "2"
Console.Println Math.Mul "19" "5"
Console.Println Math.Sub "7" "3"
Console.Println Math.Div "10" "2"
Console.Println Math.Mod "20" "5"
# Prints:
# 3
# 95
# -3
# 5
# 0
use Console String
define Main $name
$name Console.Prompt "What is your name: "
Console.Println String.Concat "Hello " $name
# Prompts 'What is your name: ' then prints 'Hello <name>'
Clone or download this repo and then enter the new folder
$ git clone
$ cd .\bird-master\
Then compile the libraries in the .\lib\
$ .\bird.bat install
And you are ready to go! For example:
$ .\bird.bat run .\examples\HelloWorld.bird
Hello World
$ .\bird.bat compile .\examples\Function.bird .\examples\Function.bat
$ .\examples\Function.bat Elias
Hello Elias
- Arithmetic
- Expand std (Added replacing libraries instead of expanding std (std is now removed))
- Loops
- If-statements
Batch is pain. Batch is pain. Batch is pain.