
Primary LanguageShell

Git-based locking


  • distributed git-only based CI
  • terraform backend


Copy gitlock to your $PATH (for example to /usr/local/bin/git-lock) and run it as git subcommand.

You should be able to push tags to the origin.

Run git lock exec <command> <args...>

For example:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eliastor/gitlock/master/gitlock
sudo mv gitlock /usr/local/bin/git-lock
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/git-lock
git-lock exec uname -a

In example above uname -a will be executed only after successful lock of repo in origin. After execution gitlock will release the lock from origin.

To list current locks:

git lock list

To get info about lock:

git lock show <lock name>

To force release of the lock (DANGEROUS). It must be used only when you are absolutely sure that particular lock is stuck.

git lock force-unlock <lock name>


    participant user1
    participant user2
    participant user3
    participant repo
    user1->>repo: pull tags
    user2->>repo: pull tags
    repo->>user1: tags
    repo->>user2: tags
    user1->>user1: make tag and notes/branches/locks
    user2->>user2: make tag and notes/branches/locks
    user1->repo: push tags
    activate repo
    user2->repo: push tags
    activate repo
    user1->>repo: pull tags
    user2->>repo: pull tags
    user1->>user1: compare tags:<br/> win:<br/>earlier time, higher priority, greater hash number, etc.
    user2->>user2: compare tags: lost
    user1->>repo: push notes/branches/locks
    activate user1
    user2->>repo: remove tags
    deactivate repo
    user1->user1: background work
    user1->user1: remove tags
    deactivate user1
    user1->>repo: remove tags
    deactivate repo
