
Embedded Elixir flight controller.

Primary LanguageElixir

Elicopter Core

Elicopter Core aims to be an educational flight controller build using Nerves.

Note: Elicopter Core is still under heavy development, don't hesitate to contact me for more information.

Build From Sources

  • Build
cd apps/brain
mix deps.get
mix compile


cd apps/brain
iex -S mix


  • Configure your WIFI network:
export ELICOPTER_WIFI_PASSWORD=*Your Network Password*

Note: WPA-PSK only and you need to rebuild the firmware after changing those settings.


  • Build the firmware in production environment:
cd apps/brain
MIX_ENV=prod mix firmware
  • Burn the image to an SD card:
mix firmware.burn
  • Initialize the custom partition (4) file system:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/DEVICE4 -L DATA

Note: DEVICE should be something like sda, sdb, ...

Network Firmware Update

  • Build and deploy the firmware directly through network:
MIX_ENV=prod mix firmware.upgrade

Note: The flight controller needs to be already started and connected to the network.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.