Level-2 / Lesson 1 / Project 1: html 2 and css 2

Skills for this project (please check off the skills the student covered during this project):


  1. [x ] image tags
  2. [x ] a tags
  3. [ x] list tags
  4. [ x] h tags
  5. [x ] nav tags
  6. footer tags
  7. [x ] tables ( if used )
  8. [x ] comments in css and html


  1. border
  2. margin
  3. hover
  4. padding
  5. height
  6. width properties

Dev Tools

  1. command line part 1
  2. chrome dev tools part 1
  3. google


  1. research 1

Project details

  1. Project name:
  2. Project summary:
  3. Project coordinator: