
Get mudae roll stats

Primary LanguagePython



First of all, you need to install DiscordChatExporter.

To do so, either follow the link or use Docker in CLI.

Here's the command using Docker if you use a Bot Token:

docker run --rm -v -it /path/on/machine:/app/out:z tyrrrz:discordchatexporter:stable -export -t TOKEN -b -c CHANNELID -o data -f json

Replace TOKEN by your Bot Token and CHANNELID by the channel id.

If you are using your own token, be careful as that breaks discord's ToS and use the following command:

docker run --rm -v -it /path/on/machine:/app/out:z tyrrrz:discordchatexporter:stable -export -t TOKEN -c CHANNELID -o data -f json

Once again, replace TOKEN by your token and CHANNELID by the channel id.

How to use the python script

Simply run the following command:

python3 mudae_occurence.py