Solana Proof of History (POH) Emulation

This repository contains a C-based emulation of Solana's Proof of History component, tailored to demonstrate the core functionalities of the POH algorithm as implemented in Solana's blockchain.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following tools installed on your system:

  • GCC compiler
  • Git
  • Make


Follow these steps to get the project set up on your local machine:

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
    cd solana_poh_emulation
  2. Building the Project: Compile the project using Make:
  3. Running the Project: Once the project is built, you can run the simulation with:

Current Limitations

This emulation simplifies or omits certain aspects of the original Solana POH implementation in Rust. Key limitations include:

Memory Management:

Memory deallocation is not fully handled, which might lead to memory leaks.

Simplified Functionality:

Not all features of the original POH module are implemented. This includes complex consensus mechanisms, complete cryptographic functions and networking capabilities integral to Solana's functionality.