
Chrome Window opens up normally, not with the "debug" mode

heyseb4 opened this issue · 10 comments

When I open the shortcut, the PID window pops up, but the Chrome window acts like it normally would, which it should be blank. When I type the PID into RenderDoc and hit OK on the PID, RenderDoc cancels the injection. Any help?

I figured out the last problem after two days of troubleshooting, so now I get the blank screen. However, I inject the PID into RenderDoc and hit OK on the PID window, it stays blank and a new PID comes up. This repeats over and over.

Same here
Blender 3.5 / MapsModelsImporter-v0.6.2 / RenderDoc 1.27

Same here too
Blender 3.5 / MapsModelsImporter-v0.6.2 / RenderDoc 1.27

I was able to fix it after downgrading the renderDOC version back to 1.25.

As stated by the release page:

This add-on requires specific versions of Blender, Chrome and RenderDoc. You can try with other versions but please try these before reporting an issue.

Windows: This add-on is not available on Linux nor MacOS for technical reasons.
Blender 3.4: https://www.blender.org/download/
RenderDoc 1.25: https://renderdoc.org/builds
Google Chrome (last version) -- or Microsoft Edge, started with a modified shortcut pointing to:

@ricoudto and @profpassannanti you both are using wrong version of Blender and RenderDoc. I guess it's the same thing with heyseb4

@ricoudto and @profpassannanti you both are using wrong version of Blender and RenderDoc. I guess it's the same thing with heyseb4

That ended up being the issue for me, I was using RenderDoc v1.27 but needed to downgrade to v1.25

Thanks !
I didn't notice that
Will give a try, thanks

kuzu69 commented

unfortunately no luck with 1.25 either, there's no debug message on top of Chrome, and render doc API status just says "Open GLES (Not Presenting)"

nvm I figured out where was the mistake; you actually have to put the WHOLE THING below in google chrome shortcut target box, THE WHOLE THING, not just the -- command:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c "SET RENDERDOC_HOOK_EGL=0 && START "" ^"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe^" --disable-gpu-sandbox --gpu-startup-dialog"

So !! Now : Blender 3.4 / MapsModelsImporter-v0.6.0 / RenderDoc 1.25...
I'm still having problems... the .rdc import, when it works, is truncated at best, otherwise it simply doesn't work. It's really very unstable.
EDIT : I tried with "bigben-RD_1.25", it's ok but nothing from what I captured with RD 1.25... I can't import anything ! WTF ??
I've never had problems before with older versions....
Can anyone confirm which solution is the most reliable? the most stable?

Thanks in advance!

the issue im having is that if i put the target given in the chrome properties it gives me a error when i try and start it up, so then i changed it to the one kuzu had and it just ended up working like regular chrome, i get the pid, but i cant capture anything, any help?

using (RenderDoc v1.25)