Neural Field Convolutions By Repeated Differentiation

PyTorch reference implementation

Ntumba Elie Nsampi, Adarsh Djeacoumar, Hans-Peter Seidel, Tobias Ritschel, Thomas Leimkühler

This repository contains the official authors' implementation associated with the paper 'Neural Field Convolutions by Repeated Differentiation,' accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia) in 2023.

Abstract: Neural fields are evolving towards a general-purpose continuous representation for visual computing. Yet, despite their numerous appealing properties, they are hardly amenable to signal processing. As a remedy, we present a method to perform general continuous convolutions with general continuous signals such as neural fields. Observing that piecewise polynomial kernels reduce to a sparse set of Dirac deltas after repeated differentiation, we leverage convolution identities and train a repeated integral field to efficiently execute large-scale convolutions. We demonstrate our approach on a variety of data modalities and spatially-varying kernels.


The commands below are used to set up a Conda environment, initiate the training process, and launch Tensorboard. You can find the ground truths required for training our models here. Please ensure that you copy the downloaded files to their respective directories (data/GTs/geometry, data/GTs/images, data/GTs/videos).

(In case Jax fails to install or run, follow the instructions provided in the jax repo to install your platform specific distribution)

conda create --name nfc python=3.9
conda activate nfc 

To install Pytorch, follow these instructions.

conda install numpy imageio click
conda install -c conda-forge opencv matplotlib pillow cupy
conda install -c fastai opencv-python-headless
pip install decord functorch plyfile pysdf scikit_image scipy trimesh jax jaxlib tensorboard
pip install simpleimageio
cd scripts
tensorboard --logdir=../logs --port=6006

Pre-trained Models

You can download the pre-trained models here. Once downloaded, place the files in the './trained_models/...' folder. From the root directory, execute the following commands to run the pre-trained models and generate sample outputs. (Please note that the models and desired output path should be specified in the '' files.)

cd scripts

cd "../"

python \
--model_path="./trained_models/images/model.pth" \   # model path
--kernel_path='./trained_models/kernels/gaussian' \  # kernel path if any
--save_path="./output/images" \                      # saving path
--modality=1 \                                       # which modality
--width=512 \                                        # width  
--height=512 \                                       # height
--depth=256 \                                        # depth
--block_size=32 \                                    # used in case of limited GPU memory 
--kernel_scale=20                                    # kernel scale (unit)

Training using your own data

The first step in training with your own data is to generate the necessary ground truths. We offer sample data for this purpose, which you can find here (Raw Data). The commands below serve as examples for generating 2D ground truths. The same principles apply to 3D data and videos.

cd scripts

To generate ground truths, users need to specify the parameters listed below.

# scripts/
python \
--path="" \           # path to the data
--sample_number=50 \  # Montecarlo number of samples
--save_path="" \      # path to save the GT
--half_size=0.0125 \  # minimal kernel size (see paper)
--order=0 \           # polynomial kernel order (see paper)

The generated ground truths can be loaded for visualization using the load_montecarlo_gt function in After generating the ground truths (GT), you can commence training by executing the commands below from the root directory. Please ensure that the paths to the ground truths are specified in the training scripts.

cd scripts


Q1 : simpleimageio fails to install using pip:

If you are experiencing installation issues with simpleimageio, it is due to a broken cl.exe (MSVC). Possible workarounds:

  • The homepage of simpleimageio is linked for reference:
    • Activate your environment before these steps
    • Clone, Build, Install, Cleanup:
    mkdir temp && cd temp
    git clone
    cd SimpleImageIO
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
    cmake --build . --config Release
    cd ..
    pip install build 
    python -m build
    pip install ./dist/simpleimageio-*.whl
    cd .. && cd ..
    rm -rf temp
    That installs simpleimageio in your conda environment.


if you find our work helpful to your research, consider citing us.

      author = {Ntumba Elie Nsampi and Adarsh Djeacoumar and Hans-Peter Seidel and Tobias Ritschel and Thomas Leimk{\"u}hler},
      title = {Neural Field Convolutions by Repeated Differentiation},
      year = {2023},
      issue_date = {December 2023},
      publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
      address = {Sydney, Australia},
      volume = {42},
      number = {6},
      url = {},
      doi = {10.1145/3618340},
      journal = {ACM Trans. Graph.},
      month = {Dec},
      articleno = {206},
      numpages = {11},