
A collection of deep learning based methods for HDR image synthesis


A collection of deep learning based methods for HDR image synthesis

Multi-view hdr image synthesis

  • Deep high dynamic range imaging of dynamic scenes (SIGGRAPH Asia 2017)[Project]
  • Multi-scale Dense Networks for Deep High Dynamic Range Imaging(WACV 2019)[IEEE Explore]
  • Deep High Dynamic Range Imaging with Large Foreground Motions (ECCV 2018) [Project]
  • Attention-guided Network for Ghost-free High Dynamic Range Imaging (CVPR 2019) [ArXiv]
  • Deep HDR Imaging via A Non-Local Network (TIP 2020) [IEEE Explore] [Code]

Single image hdr reconstruction

  • HDR image reconstruction from a single exposure using deep CNNs (SiGGRAPH Asia 2017) [Project]
  • Deep Chain HDRI: Reconstructing a High Dynamic Range Image from a Single Low Dynamic Range Image (IEEE Access)[ArXiv]
  • Deep Recursive HDRI: Inverse Tone Mapping using Generative Adversarial Networks (ECCV 2018) [paper]
  • Deep Reverse Tone Mapping (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2017) [project]
  • Hybrid Loss for Learning Single-Image-based HDR Reconstruction (ArXiv) [ArXiv]
  • FHDR: HDR Image Reconstruction from a Single LDR Image using Feedback Network (Global SIP 2019) [ArXiv] [Code]
  • Single Image HDR Reconstruction Using a CNN with Masked Features and Perceptual Loss (SIGGRAPH 2020) [ArXiv]
  • Single-Image HDR Reconstruction by Learning to Reverse the Camera Pipeline (CVPR2020) [ArXiv]

HDR Video

  • Deep HDR Video from Sequences with Alternating Exposures (Eurographics 2019) [Project]
  • Single-frame Regularization for Temporally Stable CNNs (CVPR 2019) [project]
  • JSI-GAN: GAN-Based Joint Super-Resolution and Inverse Tone-Mapping with Pixel-Wise Task-Specific Filters for UHD HDR Video (AAAI 2020) [ArXiv]


  • Kalantari dataset: (for HDR synthesis) link



  • Deep Bilateral Learning for Real-Time Image Enhancement (SIGGRAPH 2017) [project]
  • HDR MATLAB/Octave Toolbox [Github]