
Test Project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Note: this is for command line message. If you are using github desktop app, you can do it without typing any commands.

  1. Open your terminal or gcloud sdk

  2. Clone the project to your local repository: git clone https://github.com/elieric/is843.git

  3. Enter ls to list your documents, you should see the project repo is843

  4. Get into the project: cd is843

  5. Pull the latest changes: git pull

  6. Check git status: git status

  7. Upload the notebook file assignment_1.ipynb to your working bucket

  8. Working on your notebook

  9. Download the revised notebook file to replace the original one

  10. Commit to local branch git commit -m "some message here"

  11. Push to remote branch (github) git push