
socket.io adapter for Nexus Flux, implementing Flux over the Wire.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nexus Flux socket.io Adapter

Abstract Nexus Flux Diagram

    +-> Action.dispatch ---+--> Client.Events ---+--> Action.onDispatch -+
    |    Fire & forget             Stream                 Callback       |
Component logic         Adapter               Adapter               Global logic
    |      Callback                Stream               Fire & forget    |
    +-- Store.onUpdate  <--+--- Server.Events <--+------ Store.update ---+

This package implements the socket.io adapter for Nexus Flux to implement Flux over the Wire.

Over the wire Nexus Flux Diagram using Websockets (with socket.io fallback)

in the browser        socket.io frames     in the server

Component #A1 <---+
Component #A2 <---+-- SocketIOAdapter -+
                  |      Client A      |
Component #A3 <---+                    |
                                       +-> Global logic
Component #B1 <---+                    |
                  |                    |
Component #B2 <---+-- SocketIOAdapter -+
                  |      Client B
Component #B3 <---+


Share global server-side app state across all connected clients.

// Client side: runs in the browser or in a node process
import Client from 'nexus-flux-socket.io/client';
const client = Client('http://localhost:8080'));
// Server side: runs in a node process, which may or may not be the same process
import Server from 'nexus-flux-socket.io/server';
const server = new Server(8080);

Client usage example (in a React view)

  getInitialState() {
    this.lifespan = new Lifespan();
    return {
      todoList: this.props.flux.Store('/todo-list', this.lifespan).value,

  componentWillMount() {
    this.props.flux.Store('/todo-list', this.lifespan)
    .onUpdate(({ head }) => this.setState({ todoList: head }))
    .onDelete(() => this.setState({ todoList: void 0 }));
    this.removeItem = this.props.flux.Action('/remove-item', this.lifespan).dispatch;

  componentWillUnmount() {

  render() {
    return this.state.todoList ? todoList.map((item, name) =>
      <div onClick={() => this.removeItem({ name })}>
        {item.get('description')} (Click to remove)
    ) : null;

Server usage example

const todoList = server.Store('/todo-list', myApp.lifespan);
const removeItem = server.Action('/remove-item', myApp.lifespan);

.set('first', { description: 'My first item' })
.set('second', { description: 'My second item' })
.set('third', { description: 'My third item' })

removeItem.onDispatch((clientID, { name }) => {


This package is written in ES6/7. You will need babel to run it.