
Primary LanguageJavaScript

UdonRadio 💻 📻

Projet from UdonRadio, personnal repo to try few different things


The project is split in 3 main parts:

  • back contains the Django project. It is responsible for handling REST requests from the website, processing media files, and feeding Liquidsoap with informations on what tracks to play, and when.
  • front contains the website. That is a simple React app that makes queries to the back server.
  • liquidsoap contains the Liquidsoap scripts that generate the actual audio stream. It exposes a telnet port so we can control it from the Django backend.

The root folder also contains:

  • a docker-compose file for quick deployment
  • the http server configuration
  • configuration files templates (for secrets)
  • dockerized icecast2

Getting started

Playout is not required to start developing on the Django backend or on the website. Head to their respective subfolders for guidance. However if you wish to run liquidsoap scripts, you will need:

  • a Django backend running with the LIQUIDSOAP_BRIDGE environment variable set to yes.
  • a running Icecast server.
  • Liquidsoap obviously, a recent version is prefered. Adjust your Icecast settings in the ./liquidsoap/main.liq file accordingly. Beware not to use port 8000 already bound by the Django backend. Then you can just run liquidsoap ./liquidsoap/main.liq and head over to http://localhost:<your-icecast-port>/udon.mp3 :)


Installing and configuring docker-compose, Docker and NginX is out of the scope of that section. We will assume everything works already. We chose not to embed NginX as a service to be able to serve several websites easily on the host.

  • Copy the .template files and strip this extension. Edit secrets and configuration variables accordingly.

  • Link nginx.conf to your enabled-sites directory and restart NginX.

  • Start docker services: docker-compose up -d

  • Inside the back container, (docker-compose exec gosu udon_back bash) type the following:

   python3 manage.py migrate # create database tables
   python3 manage.py collectstatic # collect django static files
   python3 manage.py createsuperuser # Finally create superuser


If you run into issues while uploading files (especially getting a 413 Request Too Large), try setting client_max_body_size in nginx to a upper value.