👨🏼‍💻 Backend Dashboard Catálogo de Produtos

📚 Bootcamp Desenvolvedor Fullstack Spring React DevSuperior 3.0

🔷 Technologies

  1. Spring Boot
  2. Spring Data JPA
  3. ORM
  4. Spring Security
  5. OAuth2
  6. JWT
  7. Spring Cloud
  8. H2 Database
  9. PostgreSQL
  10. Containerization
  11. Docker
  12. Docker Compose
  13. AWS Deploy

🔷 Features

  1. DTO (Data Transfer Object) principles
  2. Automaticaly converter DTO to Entity
  3. Custom Exception Handler messages
  4. Resources (REST Controller)
  5. DTO
  6. Services
  7. Entities
  8. Respositories
  9. Exceptions
  10. Validation and Authorization
  11. JUnit tests
  12. TDD

🔷 Built With

Spring Initializr

How can I test my endpoints?

For tests cases, you can check the API endpoints with Postman.

Postman Collection

🔷 Backend:

  1. Busca paginada de recursos
  2. Busca de recurso por id
  3. Inserir novo recurso
  4. Atualizar recurso
  5. Deletar recurso

🔷 Testes manuais no Postman

GET /clients?page=0&linesPerPage=6&direction=ASC&orderBy=name

🔷 Busca de cliente por id

GET /clients/1

🔷 Inserção de novo cliente

POST /clients
"name": "Maria Silva",
"cpf": "12345678901",
"income": 6500.0,
"birthDate": "1994-07-20T10:30:00Z",
"children": 2

🔷 Atualização de cliente

PUT /clients/1
"name": "Maria Silvaaa",
"cpf": "12345678901",
"income": 6500.0,
"birthDate": "1994-07-20T10:30:00Z",
"children": 2

🔷 Deleção de cliente

DELETE /clients/1