NFT Marketplace Template

This repository provides a template for creating an NFT Marketplace interface. It encompasses the frontend HTML/CSS structure, deliberately excluding any backend logic or smart contract integrations.

Configuration Process

Follow these steps to properly configure your environment for the application.

Step 1: Environment File Setup

  1. Navigate to the root directory of the project, ensuring you are at the top-level (same level as the src directory, not within it).
  2. Create a new file and name it .env.local. This file will store important global settings required for the application to function correctly.

Step 2: Environment Variables

Populate the .env.local file with the necessary environment variables. These are crucial for linking the application with your specific resources on Thirdweb. Below is a list of the required variables:

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_CLIENT_ID: Your unique client identifier from Thirdweb. You can find this by logging into your account, navigating to "Settings," then "API Keys," and selecting your key to view the clientID.
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK: The specific network name on Thirdweb, e.g., "SpicyChain."
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_MARKET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS: The address of your marketplace smart contract.
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_NFT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS: The address corresponding to your NFT smart contract.

Step 3: Dependency Installation

Execute the following command in your terminal to install the project dependencies:

npm install

Step 4: Launching the Development Server

To start the development server, run:

npm run dev