
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Logistic Regression were used in this project.

When we look at the first 5 lines of the dataset, there are 12 variables consisting of categorical, int and float. Definitions of variables are as follows.

  • PassengerId: Passenger id
  • Survived: Titanic ship survivors 1, non-survivors 0
  • Pclass: 1: Economy status
  • 1st = Upper
  • 2nd = Middle
  • 3rd = Lower
  • Name: Passengers' names
  • Sex: Male / Female
  • Age: Ages of Passengers
  • SlipSp: brother / sister (1 or 0)
  • Parch: parent / child (1 or 0)
  • Ticket: Ticket numbers
  • Mouse: Ticket price
  • Cabin: Cabin number
  • Embarked: Port names (C, Q, S)
  • C = Cherbourg, Q = Queenstown, S = Southampton