
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Barney Call Bot


A Slack bot for making phone calls to any phone number using Twilio.

How to use

Create new tokens for:

  • Hibob
  • Twilio
  • Opsgenie

Create slack bot with the name barney and save this bot token.

add env vars as:

export SLACK_BOT_TOKEN='xxxxxxxxxx'
export BOT_ID='xxxxxx'
export TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
export TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
export TWILIO_NUMBER='+11111111111'
export BOB_TOKEN='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
export OPS_GENIE_TOKEN=''GenieKey xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'


My Name is barney, and i will assist you to reach the requested person.
all you need to do, is just tag me, use the call command and tag the requested person to make him a call with the meessage as voice.

for example:
@barney call @slackUserName message_to_send
ohh yea, you just need to make sure that he has his phone number on his slack profile
and if not.. don't worry i'll search his number on bob :).
you can also use:
@barney show-oncall to show the on call list from opsgenie.
have a great day.


The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2019 Eli Fish

Enjoy and have a great day
Eli FIsh