
Stock Management Application

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Stock Management 📊

  The application consists of 3 parts. Category, Subcategory and Product. 
* Each category has a name and one or more subcategories.
* Each subcategory has a name, category, and one or more products.
* Each product has a name, price, stock quantity and a subcategory.
* If requests are received at the same time for the only product left in stock, only one request get successful response.

Tech Stack & Patterns 🎯

  • Java 11
  • Spring Boot
  • Maven
  • Hibernate
  • Mapstruct
  • SLF4J
  • Junit
  • Redis
  • Docker
  • Swagger
  • H2
  • Factory Pattern
  • CQRS Pattern

Prerequisites ⚠️

Tech Version
Java 11.0.11
Maven 3.8.1
Docker 20.10.6
Redis 3.2.100

Build & Run 🚀


docker-compose up -d --build


mvn clean install -Dspring.profiles.active=local

mvn --projects io.github.oguzhancevik:stock-management spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments="--spring.profiles.active=local"

Design 🎨


APIs 📝

API Method Description
/api/categories GET Returns categories
/api/categories/{categoryId} GET Returns a specific category
/api/categories POST Creates a new category
/api/categories/{categoryId} PUT Updates a specific category
/api/categories/{categoryId} DELETE Deletes a specific category
/api/subcategories GET Returns sub categories
/api/subcategories/{subCategoryId} GET Returns a specific sub category
/api/subcategories POST Creates a new sub category
/api/subcategories/{subCategoryId} PUT Updates a specific sub category
/api/subcategories/{subCategoryId} DELETE Deletes a specific sub category
/api/products GET Returns products
/api/products/{productId} GET Returns a specific product
/api/products/search/category/{categoryId} GET Returns products by category id
/api/products/search/subcategory/{subCategoryId} GET Returns products by sub category id
/api/products/search/name/{productName} GET Returns products by product name
/api/products/search/price/?min=200&max=500 GET Returns products by price interval
/api/shopping-cart POST Returns successful / unsuccessful purchase result

Postman Collection 📌

Click Here

Swagger UI 🎁


License 🔑

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.