
leetcode solutions

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Some Questions' Solutions

# Title Solution Difficulty
1 Two Sum Easy
2 Palindrome Number Easy


# Title Solution Difficulty Explanation
1 Create Hello World Function Easy
2 Counter Easy
3 To Be Or Not To Be Easy
4 Counter II Easy
5 Apply Transform Over Each Element in Array Easy
6 Filter Elements from Array Easy
7 Array Reduce Transformation Easy
8 Function Composition Easy
9 Return Length of Arguments Passed Easy
10 Allow One Function Call Easy
11 Memoize Medium
12 Add Two Promises Easy
13 Sleep Easy
14 Timeout Cancellation Easy
15 Interval Cancellation Easy
16 Promise Time Limit Medium
17 Cache With Time Limit Medium
18 Debounce Medium
19 Execute Asynchronous Functions in Parallel Medium
20 Is Object Empty Easy
21 Chunk Array Easy
22 Array Prototype Last Easy
23 Group By Medium
24 Sort By Easy
25 Join Two Arrays by ID Medium
26 Flatten Deeply Nested Array Medium
27 Compact Object Medium
28 Event Emitter Medium
29 Array Wrapper Easy
30 Calculator with Method Chaining Easy


# Title Solution Difficulty Explanation
1 Merge Strings Alternately Easy
2 Greatest Common Divisor of Strings Easy
3 Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies Easy
4 Can Place Flowers Easy
5 Reverse Vowels of a String Easy
6 Reverse Words in a String Medium
7 Product of Array Except Self Medium
8 Increasing Triplet Subsequence Medium
9 String Compression Medium TODO
10 Move Zeroes Easy
11 Is Subsequence Easy
12 Container With Most Water Medium TODO
13 Max Number of K-Sum Pairs Medium
14 Maximum Average Subarray I Easy
Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length Medium
Max Consecutive Ones III Medium
Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element Medium
Find the Highest Altitude Easy
Find Pivot Index Easy
Find the Difference of Two Arrays Easy
Unique Number of Occurrences Easy
Determine if Two Strings Are Close Medium
Equal Row and Column Pairs Medium
Removing Stars From a String Medium
Asteroid Collision Medium
Decode String Medium
Number of Recent Calls Easy
Dota2 Senate Medium
Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List Medium
Odd Even Linked List Medium
Reverse Linked List Easy
Maximum Twin Sum of a Linked List Medium
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Easy
Leaf-Similar Trees Easy
Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree Medium
Path Sum III Medium
Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree Medium
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium
Binary Tree Right Side View Medium
Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree Medium
Search in a Binary Search Tree Easy
Delete Node in a BST Medium
Keys and Rooms Medium TODO
Number of Provinces Medium
Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero Medium
Evaluate Division Medium
Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze Medium
Rotting Oranges Medium
Kth Largest Element in an Array Medium
Smallest Number in Infinite Set Medium
Maximum Subsequence Score Medium
Total Cost to Hire K Workers Medium
Guess Number Higher or Lower Easy
Successful Pairs of Spells and Potions Medium
Find Peak Element Medium
Koko Eating Bananas Medium
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium
Combination Sum III Medium
N-th Tribonacci Number Easy
Min Cost Climbing Stairs Easy
House Robber Medium
Domino and Tromino Tiling Medium
Unique Paths Medium
Longest Common Subsequence Medium
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee Medium
Edit Distance Medium
Counting Bits Easy
Single Number Easy
Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c Medium
Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Medium
Search Suggestions System Medium
Non-overlapping Intervals Medium
Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons Medium
Daily Temperatures Medium
Online Stock Span Medium