
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bumper Landing Website


This project is a web application with three pages: a home page, a form page, and a list page where you can view the submitted form data. The project was created based on a provided design and uses the following technologies:

  • React: This project was built with React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Tailwind CSS: This project uses the Tailwind CSS framework, which defines a set of color shades ranging from lightest (100) to darkest (900).
  • Sass: This project uses Sass, a CSS preprocessor that adds additional features and capabilities to CSS.
  • Function components: This project uses function components, a style of writing components in React that is based on functions rather than classes.
  • Testing : Test cases written by using Jest.
  • Mobile first design: This project has been developed with a mobile first approach, meaning that it is optimized for mobile devices and scales up to larger screens.

Test Cases

  • Form Input: This test case checks that the label and input field of a form are displayed correctly, and that the error message is displayed when there is an error.
  • RegisterForm: This test case renders the RegisterForm component and simulates filling out the form with data and clicking the submit button to check that form works correctly.
  • Navbar: This test case checks that the links in the navbar are present in the document, using the getByText function from the testing library and the expect and toBeInTheDocument assertions. The MemoryRouter is used to simulate the behavior of a real router and allow the test to navigate between different pages.

Additional Notes

  • Extra area on list page: An extra area has been implemented on the list page to show which service has been chosen from the register form.
  • If you have any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to open an issue or a pull request. Your perspective is important to me, so please don't hesitate to let me know what you think.