
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Frontend Assessment Repository

Assessment Steps

The steps you will follow:

  1. Clone this repository to your local computer
  2. After cloning, create and switch to a new branch called front-end-assessment
  3. The questions are in the /assessment folder, the study materials are in the /study folder. In each folder, there is a README.md file, which explains how to use that folder.
  4. Whenever you solve a question, you will do a commit for that solution. So we expect a commit for each question solved.
  5. After you are done, push your changes to your own github account/repository( which needs to be a public one, so we can see it).
  6. Once you pushed all your work, and ready to submit, send the link to your repository to us, we will start examining.

Additional Information About Repository And Assessment

  • For how we evaluate the assessment, we look for 3 things in this order of importance:

    1. Clean, simple and easy to understand code
    2. How many of them you finished
    3. How quickly you finished
  • There is an index.html file in each folder, which you can open with either:

    • Double clicking and opening with a browser
    • Use a static live server extension of your favourite IDE (for example, Visual Studio Code, Live Server extension)
  • /assessment folder will have the questions for you (depending on your application, there are different question folders)

    • Do as many questions as possible, even half finished ones you can submit. It helps us to get a good assessment of your expertise.
    • The questions will be getting harder and harder, so a small advice: try to work on them in order question1.js => question2.js etc.
    • The study folder is our way of helping you, try to use these materials
    • Even if you solved the questions without help from study materials, we suggest you to take a look at the materials. In the face to face interview, we will be asking some of javascript concepts that are in the study materials.
  • /study folder is there to help you, don't ignore these materials.

    • You can use them when solving the assessment questions.
    • You can also use them to refresh your JavaScript knowledge.
    • If you are new to the concepts in these materials, there are Hints and Extras that will guide you to research the topics.
  • /study/utils is just a collection of helper functions, not that important for assessment.