Election Dashboard

Screen Shot

Election Dashboard is a one stop site to get information about all of your US elected officials. Just enter your address, and Election Dashboard will display all of your elected officials, from president all the way down to city officials.

How to use

First type in an address and submit it then by clicking on the name of any official it will display their photo, title, address, and phone number, as well as any recent news articles about them.

Built With

Election Dashboard is built with Materialize and utilizes Google's Civic Info API and The New York Times' API for it's functionality. It also incorporates autocomplete functionality in the address bar with Algolia.

  • elijah415hz
  • asmarcd
  • BrandonP321
  • Stefj12
  • natewinter

Why is this important?

We are fast approaching a major election in the United States. Currently less than 2/3 of eligible citizens are registered to vote, and of those most know very little about most of the officials that they'll be voting on in November. Election Dashboard aims to be an easy place for voters to quickly get information about who their officials are, how to contact them, and if they've been in the news.

[This site is deployed at] (https://elijah415hz.github.io/election-dashboard/)