
when all you use neovim for is configuring neovim...
and then you use vscode again...
this is for you

Welcome to the light side

fuck-neovim tries to mimic a the vscode experience with some familiar keybindings for beginners to vim. ( No, you still have to learn vim )
VSCode feels lightweight... but fuck it is not. Ever got hangs? Yea, that's electron being slow.

fuck-neovim is truly lightweight. Only 11 plugins or.

Changes from VSCode keybinds

Ctrl+Shift+` is Ctrl-T

You are also free to modify anything in the lua/config folder. Customize the core plugins in lua/core/plugins.lua



Back up before installing

# Config
mv ~/.config/nvim{,.bak}

# Data
mv ~/.local/share/nvim{,.bak}
mv ~/.local/state/nvim{,.bak}
mv ~/.cache/nvim{,.bak}
git clone https://github.com/elijah629/fuck-nvim ~/.config/nvim